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Everything posted by Fedzor

  1. Hello everyone, most of you may know me already, my name is Fedzor, i am 16 years old, i am 17 in a couple of months, i play deathrun for a living, uhm, that's about it xD, see ya around guys :)
  2. Good Luck! Seems like a really nice dude.
  3. Welcome to our forums, we hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. Good Luck Slaya! :)
  5. My profile picture.
  6. Hello Viper, welcome back to the community!
  7. Okay so the last plugin i posted, i was exposed, i have worked on this for the past 30 min now, it's not done, but i think it's a good idea, and is looking good so far, let me know what you think :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Author: Fedzor & GHz # Plugin: PartyChat # How it works: !startparty, creates a party for the player that executed the cmd, !invite PlayerName, adds the players to your party, !partykick PlayerName, Kicks the player from the party. # faggot's: mist. # [This Plugin is for use with deathrun, big brother bot. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ import b3 import b3.events import functions import re import string import sys import threading import time import traceback import Cod4 import Variables class ClientVar(voice): value = On def startparty(self, value): self.value = on return 0 return int(self.value) _command = startparty _commandexec = open.chatlobby def invite <PLAYER_PID>(self, value): self.value = on return 0 return int(self.value) _command = invite <PLAYER_PID> _commandexec = find. <PLAYER_PID> iPrintinBold "<PLAYER_PID> has invtied you to their party, !yes or !no" _command = yes _commandexec = add <PLAYER_PID> _command = no _commandexec = Return 0 def partykick <PLAYER_PID>(self, value): self.value = on return 0 return int(self.value) _command = partykick _commandexec = adm kick:&&1 return: _command _commandexec import
  8. Hey i'm breaking the rules of the game if i post something else :lol:
  9. It was eBc Deathrun, not my server, but was the last thing i copied and pasted... maybe you could check if it's my server next time?
  10. I didn't advertise, it was ebc deathrun, not my server, and it was the last server i joined...
  11. i know, i'm a nub :lol:
  12. Ok, well, Thanks for the info.
  13. I was pretty much looking for feedback from the community on what they thought.
  14. The script is no where near finnished, so why would i post a file that won't work?
  15. Bad memories?
  16. Braxi i was in a call with him, and he laughing his ass off when he posted that, this only took me 20 min to design but if i'm getting blamed for stealing a plugin, then ban me from this forum, idgaf anymore, you obviously go straight to the conclusion that he's telling the truth, and i don't like that, you only look at one side of everything, if i have to stay away from the forums because people seem to hate me, including my internet best friend @SpeedArTz, maybe i should just retire from deathrun, i am trying to make a mence, but i'm failing epicly, i'm not posting anymore of my creations to this forum, because i steal all of them right? -_-
  17. And i'm assuming you're one that hates me, i don't hate you Darmuh, i made these stupid fucking posts about people hating me because most of it's true, but you're right, the sun dosen't come up for me, infact, it goes down when it sees me, i have learnt from my mistakes, i only spammed the forums with them posts because i'm an idiot, just developing more hate for myself, i know not everyone likes me, frankly, idgaf, look, if we can't get along, if you can't accept me, fine, but i'd be glad to get along with you, "Be Buds"
  18. You haven't helped with any of it yet -_-
  19. Darmuh, i don't think you realise that i'm not a kid anymore, i don't abuse, I'm 17, i Run 2 servers, the only disease i have that causes problems for me is my autism, i know you think you're talking to that sinnbad kid from 7'sR, but no, i've changed in many ways, but if you're not gonna be with me on that, maybe we shouldn't be "buds"
  20. Hello all, I am having a problem, so basically when i'm on deathrun, i can reach 700+ fps for the first 5 min, then it drops to like 50, i have to minimize, then maxamize, then it goes back to 700+, then again down to 50, idk the problem, i'd love some help. PC Specs: AMD A10 6800k 4.10 GHz RAM: 16 GB DDR3 1600 MHz GPU: Nvidia GTX 750 1 GB OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit Resolved. Fixed. Don't bother replying.
  21. But even if my CPU is cool, and my pc has only just come on, it still happens.
  22. Let me start off with @Lossy, Lossy i am really sorry for the raps i make about you, for the shit i say about you, for the shit i give to Raid. Now i'll move on to , Staab i remember when we first met, you was a really cool guy, hence, one of the reasons why we ran a server together, i really liked you, i'm sure you like me to, but i know sometimes, i can be a huge dickhead, so i'm sorry mate. Now i can talk about imtroll i remember you made an account on my forum, remember we had that huge arguement?, yeah, well i'm sorry for all the shit i said to you. , Triton i'm pretty sure you have no hate against me, but let's talk about my old server, i frst met you because i fell out with Staab, and you tried to take down my server, me being a nub at the time didn't know what to do, but after all that had finnished, i started been a real dickhead, so i'm sorry. Finally, Raid-Gaming, I'm sorry for coming to this community time after time, i know everytime i come here, i develop some sort of hate, so i will leave this community alone if i need to, unless we can all turn our backs on what's happened over the past year. Peace.
  23. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Illuminati code Conducter ----------------------------------------------------------------- Patient: @SpeedArTz / David Religion: Christianity Converted Religion: Illuminati ------------------------------------------------------------------- Why is David Illuminati? David has 4 letters, Sommerville has 11 letters, 4+11=15 Sommerville has 6 syllables, syllable means times, there is no more than 6, 6x6 = 36 There is 36 members in the illuminati, David has 5 letters, 36x5=180 There are 180 people with the name sommerville, x=1 y=8 z=0 /\ / \ /,--.\ /< () >\ / `--' \ / \ / \ /________\ #Illuminati Confirmed
  24. Wow