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About Sasuke

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 11/23/99

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  • Location
    London mate :)
  • Interests
    Football, basketball, Athletics and Playing Xbox 360 (Call of Duty specifically).

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  1. I genuinely hope that these 2 maps get placed in the Raid Deathrun map rotation, in replacement for 2 most underplayed, horrible maps.
  2. Green Eggs and Ham!

    1. Anti


      No green eggs and ham, Sam I am would like like these eggs and ham that go blam when I slam them on the video cam

  3. School work is taking over my life... Bare with me!

    1. Purity


      college life ;-;

  4. Raid...Raid...Raid!

    1. OwO



    2. BraXi



  5. I'm so sorry i completely missed the map suggestion format lol. I would like to thank speedex and treeeton for helping me out, and i'm still going to get some images of spaceball and spaceball v2. (also thanks to sentrex for moving my suggestion) :) Many thanks Sasuke
  6. These two maps are really fun in my opinion, as they are easy to complete and the secret is fun(Spaceballv1). *Unfortunatly i don't have any screenshots of the maps at the moment, but should be provided later, if not then im sorry ;-;* Now, spaceballv2 i've only played once on boss Deathrun, and i loved it. I Do hope that these maps can be added to the Raid Deathrun rotation. Many Thanks, Sasuke
  7. Our minds are like parachutes, they only function when open. - Thomas Dewar

  8. Fire Style

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Avatar


      Anti +1

      Now take a Getsuga Tenshou

    3. Anti


      Assuming that's from either Darker than Black or Bleach

    4. Avatar


      Bleach is luv Bleach is lyf

  9. .......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pixel
    3. Tinman


      Please don't tell me that's 99 ,,,,,,,, exactly :c I might force myself to count if you claim it is so.....

    4. Anti


      I personally counted out each comma as I was typing, so have fun reading that and these ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100 commas, one more :spooky:

  10. no REALLY Noice, ehy do rite so much??
  11. OMG gl see you soon
  12. Good luck, dint know your 45..... wow!