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Everything posted by MiKeY

  1. deathrun

    So glad this is finally out! Lots and lots of code and final touches just in the last stages. @jwofles <3
  2. Has now been added. Just fixed up errors now.
  3. Done. Thank you for the suggesting the change. Its now in the rotation.
  4. It really does look shit. Good. Now I don't need to by shit warfare
  5. I think its been done wrong. Like most remakes they've not just update the engin specs. Instead they've put it to a different engine and fucked with everything that makes the game that game. They've changed the UI for some what the better. The ingame UI looks shit. Looks so fucking lazy. The sounds are aweful. It looks nice but even then the colors been super taken out. I know why. They've made it looks like CoD4 but it really needed the color.
  6. Thanks man. It really helps the servers
  7. Hello all, seems like it's been awhile. I promise I am working on the mods and the site and all there things I have to do by myself :'( but for now I've just setup a Raid Gaming Discord server. This isn't going to replace teamspeak by any standards but if you like Discord and would rather use that than teamspeak then you now can I've added a link to the servers page too. Have fun and try not to break it! Connect using this: https://discord.gg/fGPrKMS/
  8. Sorry about that. Thank you for not abusing the mistake
  9. You've made it into trial. Congratulations. Please take some time to look over the rules and guidelines.
  10. @nana @Giraffe @Caspa Lets keep this pleasant. I've deleted your little bitch fight. Please use the pm's to be bitchy.
  11. Oh, Oh, Oh, Raizopr blacks adddits. But for real. Any Corsair or Razor ones are good. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-Raptor-CH-9000043-UK-Backlit-Keyboard/dp/B00FLTW8W8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472302003&sr=8-1&keywords=corsair+gaming+keyboard They do different price range versions but here is one of the cheaper ones. Its pretty.
  12. Locked. Thank you for reporting. It will be fixed soon
  13. I can't even believe people right now. Hay, wait a minute! This isn't facebook. 

  14. You Sir, have earned yourself some +rep. OT: I will fix the issues later on. We all know that some people here are becoming out of control but as with everything the best way to resolve the issue is to just ignore them and reduce interaction. Like the internet says: "Don't feed the trolls".
  15. I've replaced all the ones you've mentioned with maps from the old rotation. We can get that changed in the weekend
  16. Lets work out a rotation that does not crash the server then go to the dev server and try and fix the maps that arent working. We will have to do in during the weekend though.
  17. was removed already I think. Didn't read that. I was in a rush to put the rotation on and then go to sleep. Could you offer some replacements. Remember you're talking to someone of whom does not play deathrun very often.
  18. Think we are waiting to get some issue sorted out. @jwofles ? Ive got all the maps downloaded and ready for the rotation
  19. Just tell me when your ready
  20. Continuing on from what @Caspa has said. On a scale of one to good first impression I think you score a solid 5. Seeing as you managed to originally post this in the raid gaming news section and not the cod4 sections. So well done on that. I've now fixed those permissions. Other than that you are under 16 so I would have to check out what your chat behaviour is like. I can't check anything that Caspar has said about connection time and connections and how long you've been one line but if any are bellow the requirements then I am sorry but this will be and instant denial.
  21. spawnonplayerperson() { while( true ) { // Forget about this bit level waittill("spawned", player); player thread toggleTrail( level.Effect["youreffect"] ); // Ideally this would not be here. It would be somewhere else but meh. } } toggleTrail( effect ) { if( !isDefined( self.trailAffect ) ) { self.trailAffect = true; self thread spawnTrail( effect ); } else { if( isDefined( self.spawnFake ) ) // note to developers. This is how you safely destroy something. self.spawnFake Destroy(); self.trailAffect = undefined; } } spawnTrail( effect ) { self.spawnFake = spawn("tag_origin", self getOrigin() ); self.spawnFake linkTo( self ); // not sure if I can actually point to self. If not then change it for self.model or self.head while( !self.trailAffect ) { // if the Fx loops by it's self then you can remove the loop. PlayFxOnTag( effect, self.spawnFake, "tag_origin"); } } Ignoring the retarded argument above that is completely ignoring the fact that taking with out permission is stealing. Then here is the code you are looking for. I think this will work. I don't have the time to actually check it out. I think PlayFxOnTag can be called without having a caller but I may be wrong. Just tell me any errors you get and I will fix them. It's toggable so you would call toggleTrail( level.Effect["youreffect"] ); to get it to start and then that again to get it to stop. If it doesn't work then like I said. Just tell me the errors and I will adjust my code accordingly. I have no clue where on the player this will link to but if you do end up using self.head then I think you can guess although I would stick to self unless it doesn't work. ps: I love how about 5 of the people that replied to this topic where all able to go and find the right code or just do what I have done. Its such a simple code. But either way. I am not getting into the argument. I'm just saying that there would be no argument if you had helped and not just pointed to a place of where you can steal the code from.
  22. I thought you might also like the location but yeah. Thats all cool too . I had to add a GeoIP thing to Python so it would add it to my system. Made the whole thing simpler.
  23. I think you will like the update. I've pushed it now. The servers page is cool.
  24. Because putting effort into things is what I do. I make everything as best as I possibly can because I care about my work. Unlike some people like yourself of whom love to throw shit at a wall and hope it sticks. You where trying to be smart but you failed.
  25. How would you even know? Sure I guess the link would be possible but you don't even know how I am getting the data for the servers. So how in the hell would you know if I am able to get the players or not?