
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe

  2. new killstreaks, for example, stealth chopper.
  3. get better soon ...
  4. mp_dr_pyramid DONE!

  5. I think tilak beat Poots mustache!
  6. GJ keep up the good work man :D
  7. Hi guys if you are into coding or want to start coding or want to learn more come to this thread and I will post more and more videos on c++! Ep.1 Ep.2
  8. Ep. 4
  9. I will become a Rich man with gold diggers for my wife(S). :>
  10. Good luck. I guess,
  11. i do know their paintball server ya nub im just saying what thse server is in this picture...
  12. try and google translate that shit :>
  13. it is a clan "|FISH|" and they have a minecraft server
  14. Fix Chunk and make them more efficient, (i just cant be bothered to do it) also please make Semtex the first trap instead of a non-solid make it delete the brushes :p
  15. First im going to build you up to it, but im not going to go too advanced into that stuff.
  16. is this on the multiverse server?
  17. Those deagle skins look soo cewl.
  18. Make sure if you want me to make a console program that you tell me what you want me to make. and i will make a video on me making it.
  19. Ep.3
  20. pretty colours :o
  21. yeah my bad i read that after i posted :/
  22. what? connections 1 by me? what server is this?
  23. Advertisement = 3 point warn.
  24. the case he wants to buy is certainly not noise proof, in fact it is meant for cooling which means there are lots of "open" parts to allow the fans to suck cool air and and out put warm air.