BigBrotherBot is able to manage the rotation of the maps by setting dvars. This plugin manages the frequency of the map by setting map_rotation by player count:
# Plugin for BigBrotherBot(B3) (
# Copyright (C) 2005
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Changelog:
# 1.0.0 - 1.1.0: Added MapDelay and smart/random creation of rotations
# 1.0.0 - 1.1.1: Added fallbackrotation and some errorchecking
# 1.1.1 - 1.1.2: Added some more debugging.
# 1.1.2 - 1.1.3: Introduced copy.deepcopy()
# 1.1.3 - 1.1.4: Added CoD1/CoD2 restartcompatibility
# Fixed a bug where B3 was unresponsive while in restart-countdown
# 1.1.4 - 1.1.5: Few Bugfixes.
# 1.1.5 - 1.1.6: Stripped space at end of rotation.
# 1.1.6 - 1.2.0: Added hysteresis, added some comments, added caching of roundstartrotation
# 1.2.0 - 1.2.1: Fixed a bug where the cached rotation would remain 'None'
# 1.2.1 - 1.2.2: Added another safety .strip() when storing _roundstart_mapRotationCurrent
# 1.2.2 - 1.2.3: Introduced version 11 for UO; generate rotations with all gametypes
# 1.2.3 - 1.2.4: Added check for limitation of the maximum stringlength (capped at 980)
# 1.3.0 : Added support for CoD4
# 1.3.1 : fixed a bug where on slower boxes the rotation wasn't stored on time
# 1.3.2 : only add maps that have not been added in the last 4 passes, no more double maps
# 1.3.3 : ...
# 1.3.4 : bugfix in maphistory
# 1.3.5 : Added gametypehistory, changed maphistory: both are now configurable for each
# rotation size individually - Just a baka
# 1.3.6 : Added cod7 support, beautified code - Just a baka
# 1.3.7 : Reworked adjustrotation, fixed bugs that were causing unnecessary
# setrotation() calls - Just a baka
# 1.3.8 : Implemented proper cod6 support, optimized first saveroundstartrotation - Just a baka
# 1.3.9 : Added map, maps and nextmap commands for ranked cod7 - 82ndab-Bravo17
# 1.3.9a : Added Names translation for COD7 maps - 82ndab-Bravo17
# 1.3.9b : Added DLC2 Maps
# 1.3.9c : Added DLC3 Maps
# 1.4.0 : Correct hysteresis logic and add second hysteresis value, now have one for snall-medium and one for medium-high
__version__ = '1.4.0'
__author__ = 'xlr8or, Just a baka, 82ndab-Bravo17'
import copy
import threading
import time
import random
import b3
import string
class RotationmanagerPlugin(b3.plugin.Plugin):
_rotation_small = {}
_rotation_medium = {}
_rotation_large = {}
_currentrotation = 0
_immediate = 0
_switchcount1 = 0
_switchcount2 = 0
_hysteresis1 = 0
_hysteresis2 = 0
_playercount = -1
_oldplayercount = None
_mapDelay = 0
_version = 0
_restartCmd = ''
_countDown = 0
_donotadjustnow = False
_randomizerotation = 0
_roundstart_mapRotation = None
_roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''
_roundstart_currentrotation = 0
_fallbackrotation = ''
_needfallbackrotation = False
_initialrecount = False
_rotation_size = 1 # 1 - small, 2 - medium, 3 - large
_recentmaps = [] # The Maphistory
_recentgts = [] # The Gametype history
_hmm = [0,0,0] # HowManyMaps to keep as a maphistory
_hmgt = [0,0,0] # HowManyGameTypes to keep as a gametype history
_cod7MapRotation = []
_cod7MapRotationFixed = []
_nextmap7 = []
_outofrotation = False
_cod7Maps = ['mp_array','mp_cairo','mp_cosmodrome','mp_cracked','mp_crisis','mp_duga','mp_firingrange','mp_hanoi',
_cod7Mapeasynames = ['Array','Havanna','Launch','Cracked','Crisis','Grid','Firing Range','Hanoi',
'Jungle','Nuketown','Summit','Radiation','WMD','Villa','Berlin Wall',
'Kowloon','Stadium','Discovery','Gridlock','Hotel','Outskirts','Zoo','Hanger 18','Drive-in','Silo','Hazard']
_cod7Mapeasynameslower = ['array','havanna','launch','cracked','crisis','grid','firing range','hanoi',
'jungle','nuketown','summit','radiation','wmd','villa','berlin wall',
'kowloon','stadium','discovery','gridlock','hotel','outskirts','zoo','hanger 18','drive-in','silo','hazard']
_cod7Playlists = {18: {
0: {'tdm':1, 'dm':2, 'ctf':3, 'sd':4, 'koth':5, 'dom':6, 'sab':7, 'dem':8}, # softcore
1: {'tdm':9, 'dm':10, 'ctf':11, 'sd':12, 'koth':13, 'dom':14, 'sab':15, 'dem':16}, # hardcore
2: {'tdm':17, 'dm':18, 'ctf':19, 'sd':20, 'koth':21, 'dom':22, 'sab':23, 'dem':24}, # barebones
12: {
0: {'tdm':32, 'dm':33, 'ctf':34, 'sd':35, 'koth':36, 'dom':37, 'sab':38, 'dem':39}, # softcore
1: {'tdm':41, 'dm':42, 'ctf':43, 'sd':44, 'koth':45, 'dom':46, 'sab':47, 'dem':48}, # hardcore
2: {'tdm':50, 'dm':51, 'ctf':52, 'sd':53, 'koth':54, 'dom':55, 'sab':56}, # barebones (yes, no dem)
_slot_num = 18
_game_mode = 0
_cod7Gametypes = ['tdm', 'dm', 'ctf', 'sd', 'hq', 'koth', 'dom', 'sab', 'dem']
def onStartup(self):
Initialize plugin settings
# get the admin plugin so we can register commands
self._adminPlugin = self.console.getPlugin('admin')
if not self._adminPlugin:
# something is wrong, can't start without admin plugin
self.error('Could not find admin plugin')
return False
# register our commands
if 'commands' in self.config.sections() and self._version == 7:
for cmd in self.config.options('commands'):
level = self.config.get('commands', cmd)
sp = cmd.split('-')
alias = None
if len(sp) == 2:
cmd, alias = sp
func = self.getCmd(cmd)
if func:
self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, cmd, level, func, alias)
# Register our events
self.verbose('Registering events')
# don't adjust the rotation just yet
self._donotadjustnow = True
if self._version != 7:
self._needfallbackrotation = True
self._initialrecount = True
# we'll store the initial rotation
# wait half a minute after pluginstart to do an initial playercount
t1 = threading.Timer(30, self.recountplayers)
def onLoadConfig(self):
# load our settings
self.verbose('Loading config')
self._switchcount1 = self.config.getint('settings', 'switchcount1')
self._switchcount2 = self.config.getint('settings', 'switchcount2')
self._hysteresis1 = self.config.getint('settings', 'hysteresis1')
self._hysteresis2 = self.config.getint('settings', 'hysteresis2')
self._immediate = self.config.getboolean('settings', 'immediate')
self._mapDelay = self.config.getint('settings', 'mapdelay')
self._version = self.config.getint('settings', 'version')
self._randomizerotation = self.config.getboolean('settings', 'randomizerotation')
self._hmm[0] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_small'))
self._hmm[1] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_medium'))
self._hmm[2] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_large'))
self.debug('MapHistory is set to: %s' % self._hmm)
self._hmgt[0] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_small'))
self._hmgt[1] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_medium'))
self._hmgt[2] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_large'))
self.debug('GTHistory is set to: %s' % self._hmgt)
if self._version == 7:
self._slot_num = self.config.getint('cod7', 'slot_num')
if self._slot_num not in (12, 18):
self.error ('Incorrect number of slots (%d), assuming you meant 18.' % self._slot_num)
self._slot_num = 18
self._game_mode = self.config.getint('cod7', 'game_mode')
if self._game_mode not in (0, 1, 2):
self.error ('Incorrect game mode (%d), assuming you meant softcore.' % self._game_mode)
self._game_mode = 0
for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_small'):
maps = self.config.get('rotation_small', gametype)
maps = maps.split(' ')
self._rotation_small[gametype] = maps
self.debug('Small %s: %s' %(gametype, maps))
for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_medium'):
maps = self.config.get('rotation_medium', gametype)
maps = maps.split(' ')
self._rotation_medium[gametype] = maps
self.debug('Medium %s: %s' % (gametype, maps))
for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_large'):
maps = self.config.get('rotation_large', gametype)
maps = maps.split(' ')
self._rotation_large[gametype] = maps
self.debug('Large %s: %s' % (gametype, maps))
if self._version in (1, 11): # 1: CoD1 or 11: CoD UO
self._restartCmd = 'map_restart'
elif self._version in (2, 4, 5, 6): # CoD2, CoD4, CoD5 or CoD6
self._restartCmd = 'fast_restart'
self._mapDelay = 0
def getCmd(self, cmd):
cmd = 'cmd_%s' % cmd
if hasattr(self, cmd):
func = getattr(self, cmd)
return func
return None
def onEvent(self, event):
Handle intercepted events
if event.type ==
self._playercount += 1
self.debug('PlayerCount +1: %s' % self._playercount)
# we're going up, pass a positive 1 to the adjustmentfunction
elif event.type ==
self._playercount -= 1
self.debug('PlayerCount -1: %s' % self._playercount)
# we're going down, pass a negative 1 to the adjustmentfunction
elif event.type ==
self._donotadjustnow = True
# wait 2 mins and cache the current rotation cvars
if self._version != 7:
t3 = threading.Timer(120, self.saveroundstartrotation)
# wait 3 mins and do a recount
t4 = threading.Timer(180, self.recountplayers)
# should we fast_restart?
if self._mapDelay != 0 and self._version != 7:
t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.fastrestart)
# cod7 map change support
if self._version == 7:
# wait 2 minutes and set the next map
self.debug ('Map change detected, Will push the new map to the server after 2 minutes.')
t6 = threading.Timer(120, self.cod7maprotate)
def adjustrotation(self, delta):
if self._donotadjustnow:
return None
new_rotation = 0 # size: from 1 (small) to 3 (large)
if delta == +1:
if self._rotation_size == 3 or self._playercount > (self._switchcount2 + self._hysteresis2):
new_rotation = 3
elif self._rotation_size == 2 or self._playercount > (self._switchcount1 + self._hysteresis1):
new_rotation = 2
new_rotation = 1
elif delta == -1:
if self._rotation_size == 1 or self._playercount < (self._switchcount1 - self._hysteresis1):
new_rotation = 1
elif self._rotation_size == 2 or self._playercount < (self._switchcount2 - self._hysteresis2):
new_rotation = 2
new_rotation = 3
elif delta == 0:
if self._playercount < self._switchcount1:
new_rotation = 1
elif self._playercount < self._switchcount2:
new_rotation = 2
new_rotation = 3
if new_rotation != 0 and (new_rotation != self._rotation_size or\
(self._version == 7 and len(self._cod7MapRotation) == 0) or\
self.setrotation (new_rotation)
elif new_rotation == 0:
self.debug ('Invalid delta has been passed to adjustrotation, aborting.')
self.debug ('Rotation size has not changed, will not update rotation.')
return None
def setrotation(self, newrotation):
if newrotation == self._currentrotation and self._version != 7:
return None
# restore the rotation if the new one is the same as the one at round/map start
if newrotation == self._roundstart_currentrotation and self._roundstart_mapRotation is not None and self._version != 7:
self.debug('Restoring Cached Roundstart Rotations')
if self._version != 6:
if self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotation', self._roundstart_mapRotation)
if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent', self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)
if self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
self.console.write('sv_mapRotation %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotation)
if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
self.console.write('sv_mapRotationCurrent %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)
self._currentrotation = newrotation
return None
if newrotation == 1:
rotname = "small"
rotation = self._rotation_small
elif newrotation == 2:
rotname = "medium"
rotation = self._rotation_medium
elif newrotation == 3:
rotname = "large"
rotation = self._rotation_large
self.error('Error: Invalid newrotation passed to setrotation.')
return None
self._rotation_size = newrotation
self.debug('Adjusting to %s mapRotation' % rotname)
self._rotation = self.generaterotation(rotation)
if self._version != 7:
if self._version != 6:
self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotation', self._rotation)
self.console.write('sv_mapRotation %s' % self._rotation)
if self._immediate and self._version != 6:
self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent', '')
elif self._immediate:
self.console.write('reset sv_mapRotationCurrent')
self._currentrotation = newrotation
if self._initialrecount:
def generaterotation(self, rotation):
#self.debug('Generate from: %s @ size: %s' % (rotation, self._rotation_size))
rotation_size = self._rotation_size - 1 # We'll be using it as an index for _hmgt
r = ''
self._cod7MapRotation = []
if self._randomizerotation:
self.debug('Creating randomized rotation...')
rot = copy.deepcopy(rotation)
count = 0
lastgametype = ''
for gametype,maplist in rot.items():
count += len(maplist)
self.debug('MapCount: %s' % count)
while count > 0:
c = random.randint(1,count)
#self.debug('Random: %s' % c)
for gametype,maplist in rot.items():
if c > len(maplist):
#self.debug('Length this maplist: %s' % (len(maplist)))
c -= len(maplist)
# Check if this mode was recently added
if gametype in self._recentgts:
self.debug('Gametype %s skipped, already added in the last %s items' % (gametype, self._hmgt[rotation_size]) )
continue # skip to the next map in queue
# Check if this map was recently added
elif maplist[c-1] in self._recentmaps:
self.debug('Map %s skipped, already added in the last %s items' % (maplist[c-1], self._hmm[rotation_size]) )
continue # skip to the next map in queue
# cod7 - check if this gametype exists for the chosen game mode and a number of slots
elif self._version == 7 and gametype not in self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode]:
self.warning('Gametype %s cannot be played in current playlist (game_mode=%d, slot_num=%d)' % (gametype, self._slot_num, self._game_mode))
continue # skip to the next map in queue
if self._version != 7:
addition = ''
if gametype != lastgametype or self._version in (4, 6, 11): #UO, CoD4 and CoD6 need every gametype pre map
addition = 'gametype ' + gametype + ' '
addingmap = maplist.pop(c-1)
if self._version != 7:
addition = addition + 'map ' + addingmap + ' '
if self._version != 7 and (len(r) + len(addition)) > 960:
self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
count = 0 # Make sure we break out of the while loop
break # Break out of the for loop
if self._version != 7:
r += addition
self._cod7MapRotation.append ([gametype,addingmap])
#self.debug('Building: %s' % r)
rot[gametype] = maplist
lastgametype = gametype
if self._hmm[rotation_size] != 0:
self._recentmaps = self._recentmaps[-self._hmm[rotation_size]:] # Slice the last _hmm nr. of maps
if self._hmgt[rotation_size] != 0:
self._recentgts = self._recentgts[-self._hmgt[rotation_size]:] # Slice the last _hmgt nr. of gametypes
count -= 1
self.debug('Creating non-randomized rotation...')
stringmax = 0
# UO, CoD6 and CoD4 needs every gametype pre map
if self._version in (4, 6, 11):
for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
for map in maplist:
addition = 'gametype ' + gametype + ' ' + 'map ' + map + ' '
if (len(r) + len(addition)) > 980:
self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
stringmax = 1 # Make sure we break out of the first for loop
break # Break out of the nested for loop
r += addition
if stringmax == 1:
break # Break out of the first for loop
elif self._version == 7:
addition = []
for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
for map in maplist:
addition = [gametype, map]
self._cod7MapRotation.append (addition)
self._cod7MapRotationFixed = self._cod7MapRotation
for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
r2 = r # Backup r
r = r + 'gametype ' + gametype + ' '
for map in maplist:
r = r + 'map ' + map + ' '
if len(r) > 980 and self._version != 7:
self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
r = r2 # Restore r and break out
stringmax = 1
r2 = r # Backup r
if stringmax == 1:
break # Break out completely
if self._version != 7:
self.debug('NewRotation: %s' % r)
self.debug('NewBlackOpsRotation: %s' % self._cod7MapRotation)
if self._version != 7 and r.strip() == '':
r = self._fallbackrotation
self.error('Error: Generation failed! Reverting to original rotation!')
# Strip excessive spaces from the new rotation
r = r.strip()
return r
def recountplayers(self):
if self._version != 7:
# do we still need the original rotation
if self._needfallbackrotation:
# if we still didnt get it we'll wait for the next round/map
if self._needfallbackrotation:
self.error('Error: Still not able to retrieve initial rotation!')
return None
# reset, recount and set a rotation
self._oldplayercount = self._playercount
self._playercount = 0
self._donotadjustnow = False
self._playercount = len (self.console.clients.getList())
self.debug('PlayerCount recount players: %s' % self._playercount)
if self._oldplayercount == -1:
elif self._playercount > self._oldplayercount:
elif self._playercount < self._oldplayercount:
def retrievefallback(self):
self._fallbackrotation = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotation').getString()
time.sleep(0.5) # Give us plenty time to store the rotation
if self._fallbackrotation is not None:
self.debug('Fallbackrotation: %s' % self._fallbackrotation)
# this is the only place where _needfallbackrotation is set to False!
self._needfallbackrotation = False
self.error('Could not save original rotation... Waiting for next pass')
def saveroundstartrotation(self, rotation=''):
if self._initialrecount and self._version != 7:
self.debug('Saving the first generated rotation as the cached roundstart rotation')
self._roundstart_mapRotation = rotation
self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''
self._initialrecount = False
elif self._version != 7:
self.debug('Getting current Rotation')
self._roundstart_mapRotation = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotation')
if self._roundstart_mapRotation is not None and self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
self._roundstart_mapRotation = self._roundstart_mapRotation.getString()
self.debug('Cached Rotation: %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotation)
self._roundstart_mapRotation = None
self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent')
if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent is not None and self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent.getString()
# Removing extra spaces just in case...
self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent.strip()
self.debug('Cached RotationCurrent: %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)
self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''
self._roundstart_currentrotation = self._currentrotation
def cod7getnextmap(self):
if len(self._cod7MapRotation) == 0:
self._donotadjustnow = False
self.debug ('Nothing to rotate, re-adjusting rotation...')
# Get the next [gametype,map] and remove it from _cod7MapRotation
if not self._outofrotation:
self._nextrotationmap = self._cod7MapRotation.pop(0)
self._nextmap7 = self._nextrotationmap
self._outofrotation = False
def cod7maprotate(self):
self.debug('COD7MAPROTATE: next map will be %s at %s' % (self._nextmap7[0], self._nextmap7[1]))
# Set the playlist thus changing the gametype
self.console.write('setadmindvar playlist %s' % self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode][self._nextmap7[0]])
# Build a map exclusion rule then apply it. Will exclude every map except the next one.
exclusion = copy.copy (self._cod7Maps)
exclusion.remove (self._nextmap7[1])
self.console.write ('setadmindvar playlist_excludeMap "%s"' % ' '.join(exclusion))
# Keep playlist_excludeGametypeMap empty, I'm in charge here!
# If next map is in this dvar, server will keep not changing maps until it recieves something that's not restricted
self.console.write ('setadmindvar playlist_excludeGametypeMap ""')
def fastrestart(self):
self._countDown = int(self._mapDelay)/10
while self._countDown > 0:
self.console.say('^1*** MATCH STARTING IN ^7%s^1 SECONDS ***' % (self._countDown*10) )
self._countDown -= 1
self.console.say('^7*** ^1MATCH ^7*** ^1STARTING ^7***')
def cmd_maps(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
- list the server's map rotation for cod7, optionally limit the number in the list
if not self._adminPlugin.aquireCmdLock(cmd, client, 60, True):
client.message('^7Do not spam commands')
m = self._adminPlugin.parseUserCmd(data)
if m:
limitno = int(m[0])
limitno = 1000
limitno = 1000
if self._randomizerotation:
rotation = self._cod7MapRotation[0:limitno]
if limitno == 1000:
rotation = self._cod7MapRotationFixed
rotation = self._cod7MapRotation[0:limitno]
maplist = ''
for maps in rotation:
mapeasyname = self.getcod7mapeasyname(maps[1])
maplist = maplist + mapeasyname + '^7-^3' + maps[0] + ' ^2'
if len(maplist) > 0:
cmd.sayLoudOrPM(client, '^7Map Rotation: ^2%s' % maplist)
client.message('^7Error: could not get map list')
def cmd_nextmap(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
- list the next map in rotation for cod7
if not self._adminPlugin.aquireCmdLock(cmd, client, 60, True):
client.message('^7Do not spam commands')
map = self._nextmap7
if map:
mapeasyname = self.getcod7mapeasyname(map[1])
if map[0] == 'koth':
gt = 'hq'
gt = map[0]
cmd.sayLoudOrPM(client, '^7Next Map: ^2%s with ^3%s^2 gametype' % (mapeasyname, gt))
client.message('^7Error: could not get map name')
def cmd_map(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
- switch what the next map and gametype is for cod7
#m = self._adminPlugin.parseUserCmd(data)
m = data.split(' ')
gt = m[-1]
map = string.join(m[0:-1])
self.debug('Result is map %s gametype %s' % (map, gt))
map = map.lower()
if (map not in self._cod7Maps) and (map not in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower):
client.message('^7You must supply a map and valid gametype to change to.')
if map in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower:
maphardname = self.getcod7maphardname(map)
if not gt or gt not in self._cod7Gametypes or gt not in self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode]:
client.message('^7You must supply a valid gametype to change to.')
# Set the playlist thus changing the gametype
if gt == 'hq':
gt = 'koth'
self._outofrotation = True
self._nextmap7 = [gt, maphardname]
if gt == 'koth':
gt = 'hq'
client.message('^7Next map changed to ^2%s with ^3%s^2 gametype' % (map, gt))
def aquireCmdLock(self, cmd, client, delay, all=True):
if client.maxLevel >= 20:
return True
elif cmd.time + delay <= self.console.time():
return True
return False
def getcod7mapeasyname(self, map):
if map in self._cod7Maps:
ix = self._cod7Maps.index(map)
return self._cod7Mapeasynames[ix]
return 'Error'
def getcod7maphardname(self, map):
map = map.lower()
if map in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower:
ix = self._cod7Mapeasynameslower.index(map)
return self._cod7Maps[ix]
return 'Error'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ('\nThis is version '+__version__+' by '+__author__+' for BigBrotherBot.\n')