
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Moseph

  1. Never really got a chance to meet you, I have only ever spoke to you on TeamSpeak once. From what I have seen, and what I know, you have brought this community up very well. I wish I had got to know you better, maybe another time once you have done with all of your NAVY business. I wish you all the best in life and I hope you succeed in pursuing your adventure. 


    Thank you for Raid.


    You will be missed greatly  :wub:


  2. Your first option is to evacuate the area for approximately 15 hours 21 minutes and 4 seconds. Along with this go to Target or Walmart (Ewwww) and buy a cheap Hazmat suit. This will prevent further intoxication proceeding into your lungs.Go to the police station with the report of "I FARTED 25 MINUTES AGO AND IT STILL STINKS" and they will operate around you room to clear the stench. Making sure you bowls are Okay is a option too. Go to your local doctor and the will give some cream that helps you bowls relax and contract how they used too.


    Please, don't die.


    Yours Thankful,

    - Mo:) 


  3. Your first option is to evacuate the area for approximately 15 hours 21 minutes and 4 seconds. Along with this go to Target or Walmart (Ewwww) and buy a cheap Hazmat suit. This will prevent further intoxication proceeding into your lungs.Go to the police station with the report of "I FARTED 25 MINUTES AGO AND IT STILL STINKS" and they will operate around you room to clear the stench. Making sure you bowls are Okay is a option too. Go to your local doctor and the will give some cream that helps you bowls relax and contract how they used too.


    Please, don't die.


    Yours Thankful,

    - Mo:) 


  4. Now, I know a lot of you guys and girls don't code or do things of the sort, but this one is for the ones who do!


    If you do play this game, don't show off too much :P


    But what is the best piece of code you have written? Go!


    Please explain what the code does but not in a lot of detail, just a brief description.


    P.S I will not post mine, just because I have nothing that I am too proud of  :(
