
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by jwofles

  1. OMG, I was playing comp, it stopped working, everyone updated, we went straight back in anndddd.. IT'S THE BIRTHDAY/CELEBRATION OR WHATEVER UPDATE :DDD SOOOOOO cute :wub: By the way, zeuses now shoot confetti and defusing the bomb emits balloons :3
  2. I thought you were bi?
  3. Welcome to raid and thanks for the kind words :)
  4. i will suck your cokc i have it
  5. Here are some d0nk traitor weapons that should be on the server! Gas Grenades! http://steamcommunit...&searchtext=ttt Head Crab Launcher! http://steamcommunit...s/?id=258844685 Cannibalism! http://steamcommunit...&searchtext=ttt S.L.A.M! http://steamcommunit...chtext=tripmine Turtle Nade! http://steamcommunit...&searchtext=TTT Jihad! http://steamcommunit...s/?id=121287462 Melon RPG! http://steamcommunit...&searchtext=ttt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and here's some extra stufff Player Spawn Effect TTT Round End Slowmotion GMod Legs HD Melon Reskin
  6. http://raid-gaming.net/forums/topic/314-how-did-you-come-up-with-your-name/ It's fine since you're new, you weren't here for the original topic, but in the future, make sure if you make a thread it hasn't been done before. Thanks.
  7. what's a vcard
  8. You could've made a status for this. Anyway, I agree with triton.
  9. ooooh, I'm excited. I would use the IP.Board Mobile but it has no view more posts or rep or other stuff I always use :L
  10. (Moved to Raid Theme area) Have you tried the IP.Board Mobile skin?
  11. I think bosnian forgot about this :dumb:
  12. For your next map, think of a theme and create your map based upon it so you have an actual idea instead of just naming your map after yourself. Make it so it could be real life maybe and it's all possible so make sure things aren't floating and you can't see the bottom of the map.. Give it a story, don't just use the bare minimum requirements for a deathrun and publish it just so you have a deathrun map. Bug test your map more so you can fall off the map (in this map you can jump off spawn to the left or the right and jump off). tl;dr, I know it's your first map but if you wanna make better maps in the future, put more thought and effort into it.
  13. I don't like the mapper, I think the map is ugly and I think the traps are very generic and boring. However, if players want this in the rotation, okay.
  14. eh, nuke is super easy :p
  15. when you solo queue in silver
  16. Agreed. Also, hopefully in the future we could have more competitions and events (something I'd really like to see ;>) that would make the community better. Anyway, good luck to all the participants because I'm not going to try :dumb:
  17. HEY

    Welcome to the forums Mo :)
  18. I can't even play his first map because it crashes for me..
  19. Bosnian, is your screen small or are you icons just unnecessarily big?
  20. Russians could use your tutorial :> For macs: anti
  21. did somebody say editing :>>>
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoURQz1_c0U nsfw.