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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Good luck @qbika! :)
  2. I've fixed all issues mentioned and added some of the stuff suggested, update is now live on the server. More customisation options etc will be added in a future update, but for now I'm taking a short break from this mod after having worked hard on it for 2 weeks straight. Any severe bugs found will be fixed ASAP but anything else will have to wait. ;)
  3. Both me and Caspa wanted to make a thread but couldn't be bothered so glad you did. Great promod map, definitely needs to get added. ^
  4. Final beta test tonight at 8PM GMT! I didn't get around to adding more gamemodes so these'll be for future updates after the mod is released. Main things I've done is fix all bugs that were found and added a fedora to the VIP menu. :>
  5. Happy birthday nub!
  6. Will be putting beta server back up for a couple games at 7PM GMT, mainly done bug fixing, not a lot of new things have been added. I have however implemented a VIP menu, if you want access to this menu during testing, PM me your FULL GUID so I can add it to the config file. If anyone has any ideas for features for the menu, I'd be more than happy to hear about them. Currently only have a VIP Deagle, Deadpool character model and status icon.
  7. THIS. It even crashed it for me when I didn't have the overlay enabled for some stupid reason. ;-;
  8. We don't unban cracked keys, if you're a cracked player shouldn't be hard to get a different CD key. ;)
  9. Alright, since I've had a couple people ask me why the server is down, I've decided to put it back up today at 7PM GMT. I've ironed out all bugs that were found yesterday, took some tips and implemented them and added two more gamemodes (more being added, possibly will have one more ready for testing today). Server IP changed in the first post to a subdomain on CoDScript that's set up to redirect to my IP, too lazy to edit posts all the time.
  10. Beta server is live! You can connect using the IP Server will be on for however long people keep joining and want to play. :)
  11. Couple cool ideas @jwofles, I'll see what I can do. :)
  12. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay! :)
  13. Maybe bit too excited after final exam, drove my bike into a pole when wasn't paying attention and now both my legs hurt like crap and think I broke a toe, a fucking TOE.

    1. jwofles


      I'll suck it better.

    2. BosnianArmy
    3. Synd


      Last time I rode a bike I ended up running my neighbor over who was 9 at the time :dave:

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  14. Deathrun I'm assuming? Get the mod sources from BraXi's GitHub page: You can't get menu files from decompiled fastfiles with any of the public tools.
  15. Alright, issue resolved, topic locked. ;)
  16. Welcome to the forums, 420 @Bl4z3 it. :)
    1. atrX


      I think so, it's a free to play game though. ;)

    2. Bandit


      Yeah the trailer looks fun ill be downloading it tonight!

    3. BosnianArmy


      All 3 used :dave:

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  17. Shrek is love, Shrek is life. Good luck nub! :)
  18. Congrats on getting into the #LightBlue team @Caspa, , , @Bandit and @Spencer! :D (Although Mikey is pink. :angryarnold:)
  19. 3 more exams to go after today... Ugh.

    1. atrX


      Test week? Lmao, this isn't elementary school.

    2. atrX


      Again, different country, different educational system.

    3. Sentrex


      Bosnian just don't make comments about things you know fuck all about

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  20. Happy birthday scrub. You're getting old. :troll:
  21. Welcome to the forums nub! :D
  22. Welcome to the forums , enjoy your stay! :)