
Community Manager
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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Good luck Bandit!
  2. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!
  3. Welcome aboard the Raid train!
  4. Good luck! :)
  5. Happy birthday nubhead! :)
  6. Let's revive this... Have a ton of low polygon backgrounds, lovin' it. :dave:
  7. 1) Horse Riding Simulator 2015 2) Horse Riding Simulator 2015 3) Horse Riding Simulator 2015 4) Horse Riding Simulator 2015 5) Horse Riding Simulator 2015 JK. Only a few people will get the reference. :P Real list: 1) CoD4 2) CS:GO 3) Quake Live 4) CoD:WaW 5) Far Cry 3 Meh.
  8. Congratulations babes! And happy birthday Mist. :>
  9. Bit late, but... Happy birthday Bear! No drunk driving m9.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Ex-AR51 or not, really doesn't matter, as Awntee said, not your fault. ;)
  11. Good luck Jake!
  12. The one time :wat: comes in handy you don't use it! D:
  13. Bit on the short side? :dave: Anyways, good luck nub! :)
  14. You sure you're not confusing GrapesLil for GrapesFTW?
  15. One of the first people I met on DR when I started playing. :> Very friendly and mature player, good luck nub! :)
  16. Welcome to Raid friend of master-nub Even. :dave:
  17. Do you accept the requirements?: Nope. Ofcourse I do. :ph34r: What is your real name?: Jordy What is your in-game name?: CS|Slaya How old are you?: 16 What is your primary server?: Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: @28795 What is your Xfire?: JRImagineBE What is your Steam?: JR-Imagine What makes you a good admin?: I own a website called CoDScript and have ran multiple gaming communities before (mainly back in the days I still played RCT). Thanks to this I have experience with administrating forums, not so much servers though, but I'm a quick learner. I feel I've become more mature and responsible over the past year(s) and want to help out to keep Raid clean of hackers and rule-breakers. What skills do you have?: I program in a variety of languages (including C++, C#, VB.NET, Java, GML, ...). I'm decent at scripting for CoD (I guess). Occasionally do some web development. I'm fluent in 3 languages: Dutch/Flemish, French and English, besides these I also know a tiny bit of Latin and German. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I used to be an admin at GCZ and am currently the owner of CoDScript. I was part of NDZ clan back when I still played HCB, didn't really like being in clans so I left after a few weeks. Why should we choose you?: As I said before, I feel I've become more mature and responsible. From time to time I still do some stupid and silly things and fuck up occasionally, but these are human things to do and you know what they say, you learn from your mistakes. I might not have the best reputation around here when it comes to being friendly, and I agree, I used to be a massive cunt towards tons of people (and occasionally can still be when I'm really pissed off), but people can change and I'm still working on improving my behaviour. I've been a part of Raid for over a year now and have come to love this community and many of its members and I want to contribute to the community by doing more than just donating or releasing maps to run on the servers. Might edit later on if I find some more things to add, but for now think this'll do. :)
  18. Has nothing to do with those functions, the error is showing a function CALL. Might wanna run the map in developer 1 and check console to see what line is causing the error. Or could just look for 50xp(); in your scripts and look ABOVE that line, probably forgot a semicolon or similar. Though, agree with people above, don't just give people XP, pls.
  19. You called Raid a clan. :horror: Insta-denial. :troll: Good luck swigedisweg. :D
  20. Good luck BAE! :wub:
  21. This guy... His laugh... Amazing! Good luck Loki! :)
  22. Yay, able to upvote again. :ph34r: Thanks guys! :D
  23. Wait, you barely play and even admit to barely playing, yet you're still applying? You should be an active player before applying, not become active if you would get admin. Either way, good luck bosnipoo.
  24. Good luck Westipoo! :D
  25. Good luck Cledi! :)