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Everything posted by atrX

  1. I've decided to share my knowledge regarding game development with the community here so I've started a game development tutorial series, I will update this topic whenever a new video gets published. :) #1: Introduction to GM #2: Platformer Basics Download Game Maker: Studio:
  2. What is REX? REX is an indie shoot 'em up game developed by Jordy Rymenants (aka JR-Imagine). Controls: Up/left/down/right movement: WASD / ZQSD / Arrow keys Shooting: Space / Left Mouse Button Pause: P / ESC Screenshots: (Somewhat outdated)
  3. I'm still thinking about making a Android version, but need to finish the Windows one first. Also, Steam costs $100 a year, even greenlight, I might put it on Steam if I earn enough money from it on Desura though. (Which won't happen. :dave:) I was thinking about adding skin selection etc, so I might end up adding in having different weapons/upgrading weapons, thanks for the suggestion! :)
  4. REX Beta is going live on Desura in about 3 hours! Pre-load the Beta for free now: Please report any bugs found so I can fix them and have a bug-free release when the game launches.
  5. Oh god... mp_dr_snip on Club27. -.-
  6. Since I'm sick of seeing people camp at spawn *cough* factory *cough*, here's a little plugin I wrote. Create a new .gsc and name it "anti_spawn_camp.gsc", put in in your plugins folder and paste this into it: // Anti Spawn Camp plugin by JR-Imagine / GCZ|Slaya // Special thanks to Darmuh for fixing some stuff // _ _____ _____ _ // | | __ \ |_ _| (_) // | | |__) |_____| | _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ // _ | | _ /______| | | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | | '_ \ / _ \ // | |__| | | \ \ _| |_| | | | | | (_| | (_| | | | | | __/ // \____/|_| \_\ |_____|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|_| |_|\___| // __/ | // |___/ init( modVersion ) { if( !MapExceptionList() ) { // Edit these numbers to your likings level.anti_camp_interval = 15; level.anti_camp_radius = 1248; level waittill( "activator" ); players = GetEntArray("player","classname"); for(i=0;i<players.size;i++) { if( players[i].pers["team"] == "allies" ) players[i] thread anti_camp(); } } } anti_camp() { self.origin_start = self.origin; while( isAlive( self ) ) { wait 30; wait(level.anti_camp_interval); if( Distance2D( self.origin_start, self.origin ) < level.anti_camp_radius ) { self iPrintlnBold("^9Anti Spawn Camp: ^3You have " + level.anti_camp_interval + " seconds to get your ass out of spawn!"); wait(level.anti_camp_interval); if( Distance2D( self.origin_start, self.origin ) < level.anti_camp_radius ) { self iPrintlnBold("^9Anti Spawn Camp: ^3You were warned!"); wait 1; self Suicide(); } } } } MapExceptionList() { return isSubStr( "twitch highrise", braxi\_maps::getMapNameString( level.mapName ) ); } Now open "_plugins.gsc" and add this line in the main() function: LoadPlugin( plugins\anti_spawn_camp::init, "Anti Spawn Camp", "GCZ|Slaya" ); Edit: Added a MapExceptionList() function (thanks Darmuh) for maps like Twitch and Highrise.
  7. Welcome to the forums young padawan!
  8. You could just use 2014 ya know. Aidan made export tools for the newer versions of Maya:
  9. Welcome to the forums! :)
  10. Aight, let me Print3D(); real quick. :dave: Anyways, map looks... Well... Bad... But I've done a speedrun on it before and it was still quite enjoyable, never seen the traps though.
  11. Personal preference, but oh well, I can't stand this song. :dave:
  12. :facepalm: Cause it's what I do every day... :dumb:
    1. Triton


      Isn't Lime/Lemon already out o.O

    2. Darmuh


      Not in their entirety. We're still waiting for support on a few other CoDs that MTG already has access to.

    3. atrX


      Lime is fully released, Lemon is BO only for now, BO2 support is on it's way.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  13. As triton said, we played around with the map for a bit. We found a few things staab needs to fix but other than that the map itself looked quite good. Now fix dem bugs, finish the map and it'll be sweet. :) They're a mess, seriously, a mess.
  14. Gaybe. :cry: Good luck with your further life.
  15. Good luck, really nice app you got there m8! :dave:
  16. :facepalm:
  17. Bear go eat those bastards. :<
  18. Good luck Synd! :)
  19. Hi.

  20. Ermagherd Chris is back! :o Welcome back, nub. :)
  21. Huehue, I just want a ton of new maps in the rotation. #Voted4All
  22. Welcome to the forums Mr SwagDog!