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Everything posted by atrX

  1. The idea behind the map: Trap ideas: (More to be added.) I will be livestreaming most of the creation of this map, here's the list of livestreams currently done and/or live: Stream #1: Stream #2: Screenshots of the map so far (Radiant): Guess I should make a WIP thread for this one then... :dave:
  2. Not going to write an entire paragraph of why I'm resigning but here's a tl;dr: I've slowly watched this community and any friendships I've had here decay and after recent events (alongside personal matters) I've decided I simply cannot deal with it anymore. I realise that I too am at fault for some of these problems but it has come to a point where I no longer find joy in being part of this community. Raid can continue using any of the work I've done (CoD4x, Surf, ...) as I do not actually own any legal rights to these things (even if I did, I'd still be fine with it, I'm not a total dick). All of my work will be open sourced on my GitHub profile for others to use if they so wish. Peace out.
  3. He wouldn't know, he has only ever used nulls. :dave:
  4. GTFO
  5. Neither of you have seen me surf in ages ffs. Just drop the bullshit. ;-;
  6. Oh fuck off kiddo, I don't need to prove shit to you.
  7. When did I ever say I'm expecting people to have more than very little experience surfing already? All I said is you shouldn't vote if you have little experience. And yes, that excludes nearly everyone that has played the mod so far but that's the whole point, isn't it? To only have people with a good perception of the actual difficulty of a surf map vote. Surf has a high skill ceiling and people need to learn to deal with that and improve instead of bitch about difficulty ratings. That goes for CS but also for CoD.
  8. So votes for intermediate on space, cyber and fucking UTOPIA seem logical to you? Uhu... And the fact people have actually voted for hard on beginner is simply ludicrous. Also, how does having to bhop make a map any harder? And if you're ranking this anything above easy simply for the telehopping problem then may I remind you the CS version doesn't even allow telehopping? I would be fine with a poll if only people who were at least semi-good at surfing in CoD were able to vote but having people with very little experience vote on difficulty ratings is plain stupid.
  9. Because I was asked to make one, so I did. I never expected people to get so bitchy over something as stupid as this. Especially after I've clearly explained why all 6 current maps are rated easy and what would be classed as intermediate or hard.Sorry for the double post, on my phone so quoting and editing is a pain.
  10. No I'm not, if you look at the results there's people who actually have voted complete and utter bullshit difficulty ratings for literally half the maps...Rest isn't even worth my attention because it was plain childish... I expected better of you...
  11. And I've told you on multiple occasions that I'm too busy with other, more important things but fixing up beginner is on my to do list. I even agreed to the resizing the triggers shit you kept bringing up yesterday but clearly you're too stuck up your own ass to acknowledge that fact.
  12. Because people are morons and newbies are just going to spam hard on every map. Should be obvious, just look at any significant poll ever held *cough* EU referendum *cough* and it becomes quite clear the opinion of the masses is something you should rarely actually take into consideration (especially on the internet).Edit: Looking at the current poll results I can already tell this poll isn't going to produce any usable results...
  13. No, what I'm saying is I don't have to prove to you that I can or cannot do something because quite frankly, I don't care if you think I can or can't do it. What bothers me is this childish behaviour and instantly jumping to conclusions simply because I have better things to do than record myself finishing a map just to prove someone on the internet wrong. I've been getting more and more fed up with your ignorant attitude towards me and anything I try to explain to you and it needs to stop. I'm sick and tired of you constantly trying to argue with me when from time to time you don't even know what you're talking about (eg: the whole telehopping argument).
  14. I'd rather jump off a cliff than have such a game in my library. :xd: Anyway, I really can't be bothered, and I honestly don't need to prove myself to you or anyone.
  15. Which was ages ago. Does surf_interceptor(tier 4) count? :dumb: And surf_porn_fix. Can't name any others of the top of my head, these are the only tier 3-4 I've done recently.
  16. First of, CS:GO still runs on a different engine, it's a miracle I've been able to get the surf mechanic as close as I have. That said, because it's a different engine there will be differences and beginner is a map where you will notice this. Stage 5 of beginner is impossible without bhopping as far as I'm aware so your "years of CS:GO surfing experience" argument is completely void, as you yourself said, that's about experience in CS:GO, not CoD. You have literally not seen me surf in CS:GO since Raid's surf server first went up, how would you know if I can finish tier 3 maps? :dumb:
  17. Yes, not everyone is good, and that's what practice is for. When deciding if a map should be categorised as easy, intermediate or hard I'm not going to take into consideration if new players can finish it because they might just not be familiar with the mechanics yet. If I can finish a map very easily, it's easy, simple as that. And yes, there are much easier maps than beginner (eg: utopia), but that means literally nothing because within a difficulty level there's obviously still going to be some variety. FYI: As I mentioned, there already are difficulty levels implemented in the mod, it's just that all maps currently released fall under the easy category. Honestly, if you lot think beginner should be intermediate/hard, you clearly haven't played tier 3-6 maps on CS:GO (aka what I based the intermediate and hard categories on).
  18. So because people new to a mod can't instantly complete a map the map is instantly classed as hard? You know that makes no sense at all, right? I don't consider myself good at surf at all and I think Cyber and Beginner are easy as fuck.
  19. This has been in the mod since public beta? Could you elaborate? Please tell me you're joking. They're both very easy maps.
  20. If a good mod gets released people will map for it. Look at surf, I know of quite a few people working on maps at the moment and some have already been released. Also, Obscurity is an old mod that doesn't even need custom maps?
  21. Welcome to the forums, ! Glad to hear you're enjoying surf. :D
  22. If all these people proclaiming CoD4 is dead would actually play the game it would very much be alive... And a game's age means nothing, Doom is still being played and modded to this day...
  23. College, here I come.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. evensosan


      good luck jordy!

    3. BosnianArmy
    4. Anti


      It's like you think being amongst your people is a bad thing m8

  24. The fact you took this topic seriously is mind boggling.