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Everything posted by Darmuh

  1. pugged against some pro players 8)
    1. BosnianArmy


      Awesome, and I saw a name named Bexi in the comments lmao

    2. Darmuh


      annnnnd patched

  2. speaking of that:
  3. map looks great to me from the . Sure there's bounces and a (not-so) secret room but overall it looks like he executed his theme well, added some interesting/unique traps, and made something people will have fun playing. If you're upset about the bounces you're gonna have to look at the game you're playing. That's what makes cod4 deathrun different and that's what keeps people playing. Be happy that all the traps aren't just moving bounces like most maps cop out and do. Be happy the guy took the time to not only properly texture the map but use proper lighting, create a unique path for players to run, and provide different environments within the map. tl;dr you guys aren't giving the guy enough credit. It's a great map, despite your opinion on bounces and (notso) secret rooms.
  4. This happened to a friend of mine in a scrim today lol
  5. *ahem* http://raid-gaming.net/forums/topic/1545-remove-overplayed-maps/page-2#entry24585 edit: an alternative to the above idea is to limit the player's options in the map vote to just 2 maps. At the very least it'll cause a small amount of forced "variety"
  6. ez upvotes ez life
    1. iMtroll


      loool, not the same people though ^^

    2. Darmuh


      just thought it was weird seeing that name in the scrim browser xD

  7. https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=stats&d=match&id=5275271 5th round of my team's ct side (second half) pulled a decent 1v3 retake on overpass A site.
  8. daaaaaaaaang that took you 3 hours to finish? You had to fast forward it and it was still a 45 minute video that must have been a pain in the ass to upload! Next competition should be a speedrun of a cj map (no not deathrun that's too ezpz). This way 1) contestants dont have to upload giant videos and 2) we get fun videos to watch out of it! Don't get me wrong I know cj maps are extremely difficult but in cs you see people do surf/kz maps that take a normal person hours in under a few minutes. It's actually quite remarkable. So I don't doubt some of you CJ guys are talented enough to speedrun some maps Here's some crazy examples of speedruns from cs: kz surf Congrats on winning btw! Not trying to take anything away from your accomplishment. That shit looked hard af
  9. there was a ram bug a week or so ago that they fixed. Bug lasted maybe 3-5 days and it was just that system was using loads of memory. Other than that it's been wonderful
  10. No bosnian he means here btw, get sharex it's way better than gyazo
  11. looks fun I guess Super long tho
  12. 1v5'd the last round of CT side (round 30) in this esea pug. - https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=stats&d=match&id=5235110 Only ace this month :) Just to give you an idea about that ace, 1v5 35 second bomb timer and i'm rotating from B 1v4 retake ends in a 1v1 where I bait the last guy out by fake-defusing You can download the demo for the pug off the site, it's 64tick. If you're having trouble with that I can always reupload to mediafire
  13. changed some things :D
  14. pugged against devilwalk (old fnatic coach) with professor chaos (elevate player) on my team. Can safely say I have one-deagd devilwalk :D https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=stats&d=match&id=5190180

    1. Tinman


      "Bravado lmao" Your point?

    2. siikdude


      bravado is shit

    3. Tinman


      As a team, yes. But individually, they are as good if not better than some Tier 1 EU and certainly NA teams. They simply don't have the time and resources/funding to practice many hours together.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. update since last photo I posted is over half a year old
  16. iirc map causes (raid) server to crash and no one knows why something in the raid deathrun mod conflicts with the map or something
  17. it's honestly not that bad at all. People just over-react when things dont work out for them right away and they dont do any proper googling. Win10 is miles ahead of 7 and 8
  18. funny how I came up with the name raid in a matter of ten minutes and it ended up being something used for 2 years. :imtroll: Just imagine if this place were called something even more stupid :troll:
  19. first a vac ban then this? it's like you are trying to be a loser
  20. this one is also relevant:
  21. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10