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Everything posted by DeadEcho

  1. OMG Juice kills Gemma? o_O

    1. Cat


      Oh, I don't watch the show so I really don't know. :s

    2. siikdude


      still would be some kind of spoiler

    3. DeadEcho


      Spoiler would be if I write that Juice killed Gemma. But we don't know, because at the end of the episode Juice was there pointing a gun to Gemma's head. There was no shot, the episode ended with a cliffhanger. So how the fuck can it be a spoiler?

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  2. Hey there! Welcome to Raid Community Forums. Enjoy your stay. ^^
  3. What kind of punch does a jellyfish like?

    1. Anti


      Not sure, but know the correct response is shocking. You'll certainly get a zap out of it.

    2. DeadEcho
    3. Frosty
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  4. i'm gonna start watching Jimmy Falcon's show from now on

  5. This is one hell of a good song ^^
  6. I dont watch US news, but this guy is awesome :D

    1. ~Budzy~


      i use chrome :okay:

    2. DeadEcho


      you can use hola for chrome too ^^

    3. Lossy


      ye, was about to say use hola extension, pretty good, loads in videos fine @ 1080p.

      i always watch his video, sticks to the story but still funny at the same time.

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  7. Anyone ever tried to shoot the Rednose logo at the spawn of Flow? Huge secret xD
  8. My server keeps crashing when I try to load the map, saying unknown wave format 2 ...
  9. I work literally in hell. Finally this day is over, but I got a week more here :sad:

    1. DeadEcho


      the deepest hellhole = customer care :horror:

    2. Tinman


      Hope you get out alive :<

    3. Synd


      I have a customer care job at Wal-Mart :P

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  10. 2 days membership, two name changes. Nice activity ... The idea is bad though. If I have time I will comment with more details.
  11. So I'm very disappointed with the present situation at the Deathrun server. Now its like this: its free round after free round after free round. And there goes the round where I'm the activator and I activate. Then I'm called with names you can figure out, none of them are nice. And if anyone swear at me or something and I give him a warn, then I'm public enemy n1. So I call you out players of Raid Deathrun! DO NOT GIVE FREE ROUND! ALWAYS ACTIVATE BEFORE AND ON PLAYERS! If you do not agree with me, CodJumper is always there, you can join Raid's CJ server.
  12. Hey here! Welcome to Raid Forums! Enjoy your stay and visit our servers ^^
  13. Hey mate! Welcome to Raid Forums! Enjoy your stay! :-)
  14. When you get home from work, nothing better than an ice cold Kopparberg Pear Cider ^^

    1. ~Budzy~
    2. Twix


      viral marketing

    3. Tinman


      Pear Cider. Also know as "Perry".

  15. wb mate :-)
  16. Whoa, twitch now supports chromecast!

    1. Headdy


      Woah, just bought one last week. Cool! :D

  17. Fixed the link in Anti's post.
  18. This thing gives me error messages, does anyone have the udate files? Edit: Nevermind, I get it from iceops forum ...
  19. You can not bump God, only God can bump you!
  20. One of my fav band:
  21. Its a cool song:
  22. Anybody know a good eu dedicated server provider? Hungarians suck with the 10 Mbps bandwitrh to abroad. Thx!

  23. :davewub: them all ^^
    1. DeadEcho


      Chill cledi ^^

      I like the server very much, shame that so many hackers, but they're on every server :(

    2. Headdy


      Yeah, personally I never join CO. I should do it more often :P

    3. DeadEcho
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  24. Congratz guys and congratz NNJ for SM!