
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by DeadEcho

  1. Expect the Unexpected!

    1. DeadEcho


      Anti, then Unexpect the expected.

      @Staab, its my fav american reality show, BB16 ^^

    2. PC.


      Then its Unexpected^

    3. Triton


      Plot twist: The unexpected was expected..

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  2. Good luck mate! :-)
  3. Welcome here mate! :-)
  4. Good luck mate!
  5. Happy Birthday! :-)
  6. Good luck bro! Show her who's the man! :)
  7. Sorry I lied before. I'm not human. I'm half dead, half .... echo xD
  8. I'm human.
    1. Arnold
    2. Darmuh


      hah, my super power is that I can eat a shit ton of fattening food and slowly die of country-wide obesity!


    3. Gabe


      well, i can fly. sooooo yeeeeeah.

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  9. The toolbar can be seen, but its easy to cut it from the pic ;D
  10. Hey

    Hey mate, welcome to the forums! :-)
  11. Tonight! Go Brazil!

    1. ~Budzy~


      I'm from england, and england won't win shit :dumb:

    2. QueNNch


      One day India, one day.

    3. Cloudy


      > I thought Croatia should've won! the only player on form for Brazil was probably Oscar, the rest were shiet, anyways, England game tonight <3

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  12. Welcome here mate! :-)
  13. I agree with no secrets at all, not even cj secrets. But if you wanna make a secret on your map, make it so hard that players consider going in secret or not, like the secret in sonic. Very hard with multiple fps switching, which needs hard skills. Imo the secrets in Grassy was funny for the first time, but its boring now, even the one with the dick.
  14. It looks cool, cant wait to play on it.
  15. netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
  16. I dont have rank problems, and I never had. The stats are recorded on your computer so its your responsibility. If you have retail version of cod4, its here: c:\Users\yourwindowsloginname\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles\yourprofilename\mpdata If you lost your stats try to get previous versions of the file if you enabled the windows feature. Or you can open a ticket and ask your rank back, if you have proof of course.
  17. RoZo is pure awesomeness imo ... :D
  18. Best of luck Indian!
  19. Good luck mate!
  20. ah lol I misunderstood what he wrote ^^
  21. lel thats alot clans ^^
  22. Dude If you're accusing someone with hacks then you should have a solid proof, or else it is just childish behaviour. Just saying!
  23. You need ranks for having fun? I dont like ranks at all. I would delete all the ranks :D I would give base weapons for no ranks, and extra weapons like colt anaconda and the other two for vip.