
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by DeadEcho

  1. Looks cool! Cant wait to play on the map, keep up the good work!
  2. Connect with xfire, it uses ip and port, not domain names.
  3. QueNNch, that option is already in the mod, check the vid at 1:34 or check this pic!
  4. Thank you!
  5. Great idea! Love the menus, and the thing that you can turn off and on oldschool is just awesome!
  6. Add Philrun, thats a good old map!
  7. Looks cool! :-)
  8. I have win7 and the cod4 demos is saved here: Demos recorded in Fun server: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\demos\ Demos recorded in Deathrun server: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\Mods\raid-gaming-dr\demos\
  9. Good luck mate! :-)
  10. ... or someone pushing the F5 key rapidly
  11. Good luck mate! :-)
  12. Dude, you ever seen the movie The Adventures of Ford Fairlane? Btw, good luck! :-)
  13. Good luck m8! :-)
  14. good luck mate!
  15. 996 Cartons of milk on the wall, 996 cartons of milk, take one down, pass it around 995 bottles of milk on the wall
  16. Thank you guys for the confidence! Congratz DaRKSoUL to you too and Indian :-)
  17. Liferun and GoHome are two great maps! You cold add Philrun too! :-)
  18. Good luck! :-)
  19. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Zsolt DavidWhat is your in-game name?: DeadEchoHow old are you?: 24What is your primary server?: DeathrunWhat is your B3 CID?: 39What is your Xfire?: zs0lt1What is your Skype?: Not answeredWhat is your Steam?: zs0lt1What is your Origin?: zs0lt1What makes you a good admin?: I'm working as a technical help at Upc Hungary. I talk with people 8 hour a day. So I need to be patient, understanding and emphatic. Probably this would make me a good admin, who comply with and enforce the rules.What skills do you have?: I have a diploma, as english teacher and several courses about computer networks and other IT related stuff. I'm not a mapmaker, though I made couple of maps on Battlefield Vietnam game many years ago, but that was dead simple. I have not any map making, scripting ect skills in cod4. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Presently I'm in Fish Gaming. I was one of the leaders of the first Hungarian Battlefield clan the Squad of Traitors. After BFBC2 the battlefield games became total crap so we became inactive. I was in D3fiance, a Hungarian cod4 clan, we were first at the cod4 hq ladder until it was deleted. I was visiting the club27 deathrun server and their forum, thats a nice clan, I really enjoyed their deathrun server, until the players started to whine about activating. Why should we choose you?: I get along with everyone, work well in teams and get my hands dirty to do what needs to be done. I am adult with an adult mentality. I'm active, I play every day. I play online multiplayer games for about ten years. I have never ever cheated, used hacks or any of it. Well I'm a nice guy from Hungary. I know, for most of you it is the other part of the world. Free feel to ask any questions, I will happily answer them. I hope you will find me good enough to be a trial admin :-)
  20. Thank you mate, good luck for you too!
  21. globally malfunctioning artificial intelligence liqueur S L E E P
  22. That tomahawk room seems pretty awesome! :-)
  23. The 2012 version with the Big Ben bell is just awesome.
  24. Wow, I lived in London almost two years, and I didnt see this. I'M gonna go and watch it live next year for sure.