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Everything posted by siikdude

  2. Haved you built the FFs?
  3. ima go find this chicken god. and i will deep fry him
  4. Although I have a better pc now, my gaming ASUS laptop from 2009 couldnt handle it with a steady 60 fps lol
  5. Looks good. I love the detail. It reminds me of abandoned military places , etc on islands.
  6. lmao
  7. I guess I wrote wrong because I didn't mean for him to post here.
  8. No what I meant was this is my map and not Elk's xD. You replied saying it was his map
  9. Post screenshots of your map maybe? :S
  10. Lel its my map btw.
  11. First server i was on was some Australian server because i didnt know high pings was bad at the time :sponge: Idk my first map but I remeber skypillar, darmuh v2, etc to be my first maps
  12. If the player steps into the trigger (trig_teleport2) then they will be teleported to the SetOrigins so wherever you placed your origins.
  13. Your script is wrong. First of all you need to add this underneath main(). maps\mp\_load::main(); game["allies"] = "marines"; game["axis"] = "opfor"; game["attackers"] = "axis"; game["defenders"] = "allies"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert"; Now since you already have the AddTriggerToList function you dont need this: player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP( "", 100); so take them out.
  14. Good movie
  15. Although thanks for trying but I don't think it would be good idea to have my map out to the public while its not finished. Im sure Raid wouldn't do this to any map either. Its ok though because my friends server is where I see and fix my map's bugs :). Plus im not done with the map. I still need to map more places and traps. The thought is what counts though :D
  16. Thats really cool that you two play together. Welcome!
  17. My dad came home one day with cod 4 for xbox in 2007 and yea I played it. Then when I moved to PC gaming i bought it on steam then found out about deathrun and it took over my life ;__;.
  18. But dont ask him questions about mapping because he has a mac :troll:
  19. Anyone know how to add a sound in a map without that sound stopping music. So when something is activated, a sound will play and the music will keep playing with that sound instead of stopping?
  20. Thanks Darmuh It worked :)
  21. I loved the Warriors movie. I thought I was the only one who knew it here :dave:
  22. Didnt you have some pain in your chest or something? Welcome back though
  23. Lighting is bad in the igloos. Also you could see the bottom of the skybox which is ugly so i suggest putting mountains around the map. The door in the igloo is pretty bad too because it looks poorley placed. You're missing reflection probes in the igloos