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Everything posted by Sheep_Wizard

  1. Update: Added text alignment option This is a plugin that allows you to add a custom hud menu into your map or mod without having to do all the work of actually making a menu. In the gsc you can edit the menu settings such as the: Colours, Position, Width, Slide in time, Guid options, And much more Here is a video showing the menu: Download: PasteBin: Code:
  2. I make the occasional fresh meme
  3. Will you ever finish this tutorial bear?
  4. f
  5. :)
  6. f
  7. I'm sorry for having an opinion and trying to explain my opinion to you.
  8. Cod4 and Bo1 are two completely different game with different weapon, perks, movement etc. Thats a dumb comparison to make. Basing a map around a theme and just ripping a straight copy of someone else's map is completely different. You dont play my map lovelyplanet and think your playing the game lovelyplanet. All i'm saying is if this mod feels the same as csgo mod then there is no reason to play the same maps on cod4. Also id consider porting other peoples maps without their permission stealing.
  9. This is a tutorial on how to add custom images into fx editor and use them in a map This tutorial is not on how to use the fx editor For this tutorial you should have a basic understanding of cod4 modtools Firstly create your image. Make sure that the background is transparent (unless your image is a square of something). Your image dimensions need to be a multiple of 4 e.g. 620x40 Then save it as a dds file. Next put the image you created into your cod4 directory Then go into asset manager and create a new material and name it something. Now change the materialType to effect, the surfaceType to none, the usage to <not in editor> the blendFunc to Blend (Without this the transparency in your image will show up as black. You will not need to change this if your image has no transparency) Now scroll down to colour map and click the 3 dots and select you image that you put in your cod4 directory. Under color map set it to notile and nomip bilinear Now click save in asset manager (you need to save this file to [Call of Duty 4\source_data] Now press f10 to covert the image, your cmd should look like this when done. If it doesnt read the error and see if it is something that needs to be changed in asset manager. --side note-- You can download the these setting here: Download Put this file in the source_data file in your cod4 directory, then in asset manager go to open and load it and rename the entry and change the colour map to your image, then convert, the settings will already be there ---- Now open up EffectsEd Click the wand button at the top to make a new segment Now go to the visuals tab, make sure the Element type is on bilboard Sprite. click the folder button, you should be in a folder called materials Next to File name change the drop down list to All files --sidenote-- If you name your material gfx_something it will show up in this list and you wont change the file settings ---- Now search for the name of your image and select it [Call of Duty 4\raw\materials] Now go to the generation tab and change the count to 1 (this means the 1 particle will show up in 1 cycle, increase this number to add more) Now go to the size tab and change the scale to 10 (this will be the size of the image change if you want) Now save your fx in your fx folder [Call of Duty 4\raw\fx] Now click play and you should see your image come up. Now mess around with the different settings to make you effect --How to add the fx to your map-- In your map .gsc file add this line in main() to load your fx level.callthiswhatever = loadFx( "yourfxnamehere" ); Here is how mine looks: Now create a thread and add your effect how ever you like, i'm going to make mine play every 5 seconds. Now go to your images folder in your cod4 directory and look find your image [Call of Duty 4\raw\images] Now copy the image iwi into your maps .iwd Now you will need to add these lines in your maps .csv to load the fx and material. material,yourmaterialname fx,yourfxname Here is how mine looks: Now build the maps fast files and enjoy your awesome fx If you need help feel free to ask
  10. You bought a mod for twice what the game is worth. lol
  11. Looking good, hope to see a better map layout this time
  12. Im gonna try explain this the best I can So I was to be able to edit the values of an array in a function and then return them to the original thread. Here is an example: array_test() { test = []; test[0] = 1; while(1) { add_array(test); iPrintLn(test[0]); wait 0.5; } } add_array(num) { num[0]++; return num[0]; } The problem is that the thread 'array_test' it still sees 'test[0]' being == 1 Is there a way I can make it update 'test[0]' To help explain better this currently prints ' 1,1,1,1...' but I want it to print '1,2,3,4...'
  13. hmm ok thanks, I guess I'll just do it the long way :)
  14. I need to edit the values of lots of different arrays depending on a certain outcome. Doing it in a function would save me having to right out the changes to each array for each outcome.
  15. Fazer Dallas Cowboys 4 letters
  16. @@BraXi what are you favourite deathrun maps that weren't made by the 'original' mappers (mr.x, rednose etc)
  17. This tutorial is how to create animated sprites for use in Effects editor. Before reading this tutorial please read my tutorial on how to add custom images into effects editor. First you need to create a texture atlas. A texture atlas is a image that contains the all the images you want for your animation. If you are confused just google it and you will understand. The animation starts from the top left image to the bottom right image. Make sure each images is the same size. Here us mine. When adding your images into asset manager you will see 'Texture atlas settings' This is how many rows and columns of images you have in your texture. After converting your material in asset manager open effects editor. When you have added the sprite into the effects editor underneath the visuals tab you will see 'sequence controls' Here you edit the settings for animation. Start frame: Fixed frame: Choose which frame you want the fx to start on Random: Starts on a random frame Indexed: Starts on the first frame(?) Play Rate: Fixed FPS: How many frames get played per second Sync to particle lifetime: Don't know what this does Loop: Forever:Animations loops forever (during the fx life) Choose how many times you want it to loop. Some example of stuff you can do: If you need any help feel free to ask.
  18. Cause it's not a decal it doesnt stick to a surface. Dont really know how you could fix this
  19. Didn't you start this map like 2 years ago, I remember you telling me about it on 3xP' Anyway make is pretty nice apart from the bounces. I also like the boat endroom.
  20. I made a thread similar ages ago but opinions have probably changed a lot since then I dont really have a favourite map, too many to choose from, but I really like framey_v2, sick, sickv2, Terror (original), sm_world
  21. So the first image plays 3 times which acts as if there is a delay The second image plays 2 times which will be a shorter delay the rest of the images just play once acting as no delay
  22. I dont think there is a way to change delay in between images. When making your image atlas you could just have the image multiple time im a row. It should give the same effect
  23. So a while ago I started a complete guide to using the effects editor as there currently isn't much documentation on how to use the effects editor. I have currently done the navigation segment and have started to work on the the generation tab. But there is still a lot more to do and would take me a long time to finish it all. I also do not know everything about the editor. So I was wondering if anyone was interested in helping add to this guide, if you are pm me. If people don't help I will still try to finish this myself but will probably take a while as I'm lazy :P Here is a link to the google docs so you can see what I have done so far: (the formatting is pretty horrible at the moment and there are a few mistakes)