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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Whilst trying to compile the reflections on my map it says this; Thanks for the help
  2. Thanks a bunch lossy! It worked c: This topic can be closed :)
  3. You can't do that while compiling it's an error in a file somewhere, I just don't know which file and what to do with it
  4. Welcome to the forums! Already seen you in-game, and quite like you c: No worries about not knowing English that well! It's actually not bad at all P.S Bosnian, didn't even know she was a girl
  5. Happy Birthday to the both of you! Hope you have a special day and get what you wish for!
  6. There's plenty o' tutorials online mate. Like people said, connect via SSH or PuTTy. Using your host IP/name, your username to your VPS, and the password. P.S, the login username should be "root" Remember, to get software it's sudo apt-get Plus, before you do anything, do sudo apt-get update so it gives you all of the latest updates before doing anything
  7. Welcome back
  8. Dis 99 rep doe :D

  9. Hey Monkz, seen you on CJ and Deathrun! Was chatting to him for a while the other day, and seems like a very nice person :wub:
  10. Good luck Cat! Deserves his Server Manager back as he didn't do anything wrong to get it taken away!
  11. SM-World on Blur literally the day they bought the server! Good times mayn, good times Was January 20th 2013
  12. YES, YES, YES
  13. Now that I know this guy is legit; I'd like the code because I've never really gotten beta access to anything before, and would like to know what it feels like to actually play a big game like call of duty early, which I can't do because of my age! Also like I said before, extremely kind of you to do this. I'd also like the code because even though i'll probably Pre-Order call of duty anyway, I won't pre-order it until late october just before the game comes out anyway, so i would've missed the beta :c Well, good luck to everyone else I guess
  14. :daveunicorn: y u so good mate? just y Anyway, really nice work and deserves a highfive! :D
  15. me want vip pls And could i have my donator rank on the forums pls? Back from when i donated c: Thanks TiLaK (my cj nub), Bear (noob) and Tinman (my space buddy) :3
  16. Hello and Welcome to the forums! I'll enjoy speaking to you on the servers! (If you come on c:)
  17. Looks like shite? waat, the game isn't even out yet and pretty much everything is subject to change :o y u judge wiv' out playin' it Woofles?
  18. Not actually a bad idea :D I would definitely take part in it
  19. Oh hey'll yes, i'd actually play GTA if this happens! Would be so fun
  20. Sentrex could you come on xfire please :wub: Watched the video and you've shown a tremendous amount of effort put into this! High five to your effort! :D Also a great idea and glad you made it
  21. Good luck Bandit c:
  22. An amazing accomplishment to achieve! Well done to everyone behind the scenes who made this last as long as it has! Hopefully we can look forward to a few more years to come c:
  23. Love me

    Good luck, probably deserves it due to the amazing Website design work. Good job on that by the way
  24. Good luck mate!
  25. Good luck Synd!