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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Hola Gabe. Been a long time! Welcome back
  2. Good luck mate!
  3. Congratulations @West truly deserved! Have fun with the extra power, noob. :troll: In all seriousness, deserves it a lot and sure you'll be quite amazing at the job.
  4. As lossy said, take a screenshot with either gyazo or something, but gyazo links wont work in IPB, so upload that screenshot to imgur and copy that link and paste it in a post. To get the image to work for it to appear as an image do this; [ spoiler ][ img ]imgur.yoururl[ /img ][ /spoiler ] Without the spaces ofc :L
  5. Looks good c: +1 to the idea as well
  6. I thought bosnipoo had a Gtx 760 though, may be wrong
  7. How defeq do you only play at 60 fps? Even me on ultra settings 8x MSAA I get 200+ at all times ;-; Anyway, my first game I went positive c:
  8. Hello people of Raid, the title pretty much sums up what I'm asking for However I do understand if you'd rather not answer, your choice c: Quite confused on the material parts, (Specifically the GoSave files in Material Properties and Materials) Would be amazing if someone could give a brief step guide on what to do (To add a Rank Icon to lets say, level 31) Like said before, would be highly appreciated if you could help, but wont be disheartened if not (Apologies if in wrong section, this seemed the most appropriate)
  9. Thanks for all the help Is much appreciated!
  10. Played first CSGO comp match today, went 6-10 with 4 assists, very bad but for a first game it was ok c: (we won btw)

    1. BosnianArmy


      If you want I can help you out a little bit ?

    2. Tinman
    3. Cloudy
  11. So I make a .gdt with Asset Manager, save that, them compile the IWD's & Mod and that will create the material properties & materials (once the iwd is already in the images folder and everything is added the ranktable, mod.csv etc)
  12. why do you get two days in isolation for fucking standing up for yourself, just why? pretty sure if someone calls you a fucking cunt in Norwich you'd get stabbed

    1. BosnianArmy


      But also Anti is right, you can ignore the guy and move on.

    2. Sentrex


      depends on what you mean by standing up for yourself.. telling them to back off and leave = okay, hitting them = not okay

      original comment too vague i'm split

    3. ~Budzy~


      I feel you cloudy, I know all the feels and I understand you. Happened to me many times at school.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  13. ew.
  14. Great map, easily one of the best I've seen c:
  15. That moment when you have a meeting with the headteacher about going to Cambridge University, one of the best in Britain :D Between them and Oxford, really excited, the meeting is tomorrow!

    1. Cloudy


      cheers porky c:

    2. Tinman


      My brother is at Oxfofo atm as well as my cousin and her husband ^^ so Oxford>Cambridge :P

    3. jwofles


      now show edits

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  16. Here's my PC!
  17. Speccy is usually un-predictable for CPU temperatures, as my AMD FX 8350 is apparently 20*C, when it's actually a stable 37*C. And pls, just pls don't post if you don't know what you're talking about... AMD isn't all that bad, you've probably read a few bias topics regarding AMD VS Intel.
  19. Black Ops 3 looks good! Looking forward to this camo customiser c:

    1. Purity


      Bo2 is so different compared to bo3 tho, bo2 was nice game with simple but ENJOYABLE weapons/streaks etc, bo3 just looks like AW2 basically. fucking robots... nvm, still gonna buy :okay:

    2. siikdude


      i lost it at FULL robot enemies. I was like fuck this

    3. Darmuh


      Waste of money.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  20. Hello and welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay c:
  21. Congratulations everyone! C:
  22. 8 Legged Freaks One of the most terrifying films I've ever seen. No more shall be said! (P.S this is why I'm scared of spiders) :'(
  23. Slowly sorting out these FPS issues! Should be able to play and fucking shank you at the weekend C:
  24. Whilst having my daily shower, a spider fell on my hand so I absolutely shat myself and bashed my hand against the door, and somehow made a massive bump on my finger and cut it ;-; I watched that spider go down the drain and continued my shower whilst being terrified of the spider coming back up the drain. Has been a great day today! (Sarcasm)

    1. Purity


      bash his fookin ed in

    2. Anti


      Don't worry Cloudy, the other spiders within the shower's head will come out with the water when they hatch. Let's hope not on you ;)