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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Good luck with your life! But remember, once you play deathrun, you stay at deathrun ^^ I look forward to seeing you in the near future! :)
  2. I meant real Pinball machines :D My dad has 5... :dave:
  3. I like space documentaries, and have a hobby of Pinball machines!
  4. One day in the s******** jacuzzi, I farted heavily and the bubbles grew like a cow in labor. I wondered why my d*** spontaneously started to attack like a crazy hungry meowing p****. Later I realized, my middle leg suddenly grew from those magic beans that I stole from a hippy
  5. I used to play Mike Myres on Black ops 1 with ma buds :D It was so fun. but got boring after an hour or two.
  6. I know I've already said Hi on the server etc, but, Hello, and welcome to the raid forums! You'll definitely enjoy your stay. Bumba is unbelievably good at Deathrun, and codjumper for that matter, he's always been a good guy, and I hope for the best!
  7. It's not letting me edit my post for some reason, keeps coming up with an error... :'(Let's try it again. Still better than mine...
  8. Would be nice to have a new mod! but means that it could be happening!Lossy, do Zombies smell like Cranberry's then, since you posted a song on your reply? :o
  9. I hope you get the grades you're looking for on your exams! Good luck.
  11. That's usually when I see you ;) at around 10:00pm - 11:00pm, sooo, good luck!
  12. My brit feg <3; anyway Good luck, deserves admin, really nice guy to be honest, if only he was a little more active on the servers, I think he'd be a great candidate ;) (You could just be active when i'm not active, but I see that highly doubtful since we have the same timezone etc)
  13. amg, someone from my past! :3 Welcome powers! I really do hope to see you on the deathrun server!
  14. Please remember, just because you meet the requirements doesn't mean that you stop posting etc, remember to keep posting, and be active on the forums as much as you can, it helps people get a better idea of who you are when you're outside the server. I feel that i know you quite well considering we both play the deathrun and fun server quite regularly together, you're quite mature at times, but can sometimes slide into quite an immature person, but like I said, he only rarely does that from time to time. Good luck, would make an okay admin.
  15. So what this thread is about, is you take a screenshot of your best match in the Raid [Fun] server, and post it here, so here's mine. (Post in a spoiler if you're going to do it as an img) so here's mine :) it's not the best but... :dave:
  16. Pray to the lord the plane wont crash :s Have fun in Japan, don't get in any fights cus they'll wreck ya :)
  17. That is amazing! Very nice work! I actually really like it! Very nice song choice too, once again, good job Phelix!!!!
  18. Just uploaded this on youtube! (mp_descent bunnyhop)
  19. I've known him since the days of Blur, and he's never been mean/annoying/harmful to anyone, In my opinion, he would make a great admin, for these simple reasons; 1.) He's Active 2.) Extremely Mature for his age 3.) Respectful to others 4.) Follows the rules 5.) Amazing at deathrun :3 Good luck Pulse!
  20. I'll give it a real crack tomorrow, (I'll try my hardest :dave:) xD, so expect that to be up later tomorrow ;) I will probably do mp_blue2 inter, or mp_to_the_moon basic.
  21. Edit isn't working still, keeps giving me dis stoopid error :( But i've uploaded another walkthrough Is that one any better?
  22. Well, it takes about 2 hours to upload a 9 minute video (Because i'm tethered to my phone) and I had no idea that I could do that, I've just started doing this, so i've got a lot to learn ^^ :) As for the mp_blue2 video which should be uploaded tonight, but at the latest tomorrow, I've done /cg_draw2d 0 and used a different mod so you can actually see the rpg.
  23. Going to upload mp_blue2 easy wallthrough in a sec, (Should be up by tomorrow) going to start doing easy maps, then start going onto intermediate, then hard etc! :)
  24. I'll teach you lossy if ya want! :D You too Dark. The fps is 32132321 (Atleast the fps i used, easiest fps for me) (mp_to_the_moon inter) NEW VIDEO :D