Drizz Caken

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-75 You should post better

About Drizz Caken

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/13/00

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    In a gaming lounge.
  • Interests
    Making kids cry.

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  1. happy fucking birthday you cunt

  2. Wow. He was such a good admin.
  3. Nothing is on my fucking mind m8atey cunts.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BosnianArmy


      lol, get more kids :dumb:

    3. Kratos


      Same old Drizz, nothing has changed.

    4. Avatar
  4. Sik i said it is as strong as a GT 755m or GT 750m
  5. Gpu: Radeon HD 7850m Switchable Graphics Mobile intel HD Graphics Cpu: Intel Core i7 2630qm 2.00Ghz Ram: 6.00gb 17.1 inch display 1920x1080(120hz) 15 pounds.
  6. mp_fnrp_iceland_v2.txt You should add Iceland v2
  7. That's what me and you discussed earlyer.
  8. Beatthat's Degale. plus make a master vip so players could have the beatthat degale
  9. This is reall cool but that skull bad.
  10. Quench will u plz stop acting like a admin plz and go on iceops forms and do that Ty <3
  11. Beatthat How do u make moveing camo i really need to know and ure like the only 1 that knows.
  12. Beatthat Needs To teach people how the Heck he makes thos cool Scroll camos so i can play with them for Fun.
  13. This is The National Birth of Cj On Raid All raid users get ure money ready cause Lossy has some thing good for VIP Members.
  14. #All Nighter On Raid/Keep Donateing Helping raid out ;)!

  15. Fucking donated cause i fucking wanted to fuck off m8.