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  1. Obviously this means US servers in a way. The US servers pXg has will stay US, but the EU servers Raid has will stay EU if that makes any sense.
  2. Watched the video, and stumbled upon this LOL
  3. Yeah Lossy Darmuh jwofles caspa west and more in the same lobby would be nearly impossible now
  4. Like 45 minuyers oago
  5. I don't really know what to think but w/e
  6. I'll buy them to try out infinite warfare because it looks kinda fun, and I think cod4 remastered looks good as something to play casually on the side, everyone knew going into it that they were going to use a newer engine, so I'm surprised people are disappointed with it looking like newer cod games, when it's supposed to.
  7. was he ever trial or did he just instantly go to lead lol
  8. Also would love to see a topic not get derailed.
  9. Finally a decent admin.. Oh you're not accepted yet.
  10. 500 posts 296 rep 2696 profile views 69d online membertitle: dead illuminati

    1. Anti


      Dead inside

      Wake me up inside

    2. BosnianArmy
  11. yo
  12. can i shitpost too road to 500
  13. (reddit kinda sucks if you wanna watch a video here you go ) I don't think the physics are any different here, but if they are, correct me.