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About jeffskye

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/24/99

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Baseball, Scripting, Modding and Mapping

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5070 profile views
  1. Looks soo good! It's just perfect. Nice work RedNose!
  2. I would love a beta code :) Thanks for the giveaway.
  4. Thanks for the ViP ! :D
  5. I would love to have ViP :) Thanks Tiak and Bear!
  6. Looks fun! Nice work :)
  7. Looks really good Spi! Looking forward to the release!
  8. I can see it and I'm not an staff member? (New skin looks really nice)
  9. .ff decompiler
  10. main() { precacheModel("vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly"); } helicopter() { trig = getEnt( "heli_trig" , "targetname" ); // Best to place this below the players at spawn so they spawn in it start = getEnt( "heli_spawn" , "targetname" ); first = getEnt( "first" , "targetname" ); second = getEnt( "second" , "targetname" ); third = getEnt( "third" , "targetname" ); fourth = getEnt( "fourth" , "targetname" ); fifth = getEnt( "fifth" , "targetname" ); while(true) { trig waittill("trigger", player); trig delete(); chopper = spawn_helicopter( player, start.origin, start.angles, "cobra_mp", "vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly" ); wait 0.05; chopper playLoopSound( "mp_cobra_helicopter" ); chopper setDamageStage( 3 ); chopper setSpeed( 40, 15 , 5); chopper setYawSpeed( 50, 20, 20 ); chopper setMaxPitchRoll( 30, 30 ); chopper setNearGoalNotifyDist( 96 ); wait 1; chopper setVehGoalPos( start.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; for(;;) { chopper setVehGoalPos( first.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; chopper setVehGoalPos( second.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; chopper setVehGoalPos( third.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; chopper setVehGoalPos( fourth.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; chopper setVehGoalPos( fifth.origin, true ); chopper waittill("goal"); wait 2; } } } spawn_helicopter( owner, origin, angles, model, targetname ) { chopper = spawnHelicopter( owner, origin, angles, model, targetname ); return chopper; }
  11. Animated heli?
  12. lol :facepalm: Good thing AR51 is having trouble
  13. music() { ambientStop(2); wait 2; ambientPlay("songa"); wait .1; } use this
  14. Black page in the CoD4 history

    1. Tinman


      Don't think I didn't see that Quennch ;)

    2. QueNNch