Do you accept the requirements?: Obviously yes ! although I'm working hard to reach it.
What is your real name?: Roy
What is your in-game name?: ^9[Raid]Teckn
How old are you?: 16
What is your primary server?: Raid Death Run , Soon enough CodJumper
What is your B3 CID?: @19458
What is your Xfire?: tekchnogod
What is your Skype?:
What is your Steam?: galoreru1z_4n
What is your Origin?: lipjan-uqk
What makes you a good admin?: Well , I'm going to be active as much as possible , Probably playing like 4 hours. I'll be watching people that exceed the rules. And I'll be concentrated on co-Players that start cussing and Insulting Admins and or innocent People. Of course I'll be polite and good-naturedly. BTW I spend most of my time on this server sounds pretty pathetic but I enjoy it. I will Assist other co-admins.
What skills do you have?: I have some Computer knowledge and Web site hosting.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been on DR for around 2 Years a sort of And I've been playing on TwS and BwR Which are down now , Also played on MicroVolts and have a Clan there. Right now I host a Forum For MicroVolts hacks etcetera.
Why should we choose you?: Why you should choose me , I think that you should choose me Because I'm pretty being active after discovering this Community. At first I saw Raid Deathrun and thinking , That's just a dumb server with bad people but After joining it and playing on there for awhile I started realizing that this server could be a useful server to be Playing on. I'm not aggressive , snippy or rude. I know that a lot of people are also wanting to be a Admin. But half of it is not not true what they say in their App and also Do not do what they write. I'm not going to be egocentric but What I say in this Application will hatch.