
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Zack

  1. Well, for me the name servers are down. You can't do !join fun, which is because the IP to connect to is:
  2. What if we downvote Gabe because we don't like him bitching at us? :>
  3. brb, downvoting gabe
  4. le roccat - SilentAim!
  5. Sigh... Motzi, Raid doesn't support roccator's m88888888888.
  6. Look at this fine desktop ;)
  7. Ah, thanks man. :)
  8. Well, Lossy edited it. As of now, my trial is removed.... So facepalm to you sir. :sir:
  9. Eh, thanks for the opportunity guys, appreciate it. EDIT: Think you forgot to remove me from trial on website.
  10. Gabe, this isn't copy and paste. I've worked on and off on this tutorial for like a week or so.
  11. Gabe's a faggot.

  12. Now that you explain this with more detail, I actually really like the sound of it. Seems pretty straight forward, sounds pretty challenging along the lines of the the clown model/bearded lady, but that's good :dave: Anyways, I'll give this a shot, I'll update here on the progress of it, or might just start a WIP thread, who knows. If anybody else has any ideas for that circus idea that Anti didn't cover feel free to just post em :3
  13. Pretty awesome dood, Good Luck man!
  14. Who's Loki? How do I obtain this, "Loki"? hehehe Anyways, He's a cool dude, he's bully's me though ;__;
  15. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Anyways, thank you lossy!<3 Good work man. (still noob though)
  16. My game is more pro m8:
  17. hehehuehuehe I was joking :> EDIT: Didn't fix it
  18. l2 C++ ye nub :>
  19. Nice app man! Good Luck.
  20. You live in Japan?
  21. Good job man.
  22. Hey man! Welcome to the forums! :D
  23. :') huehhueeeuruehue
  24. Lossy, deleting posts for no reason.. I guess this tutorial is more advanced though, so it's fine lol