
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Zack

  1. After a lot of thinking and consideration, formed the perfect paragraph to express my opinion on Fearz getting trial admin

    Denied :dave:

    Anyways, good luck nub

    That was beautiful Anti.. Thank you..


    Anyways, I guess he's alright, can be really annoying at times, and also a bit cocky, but I don't know, guess that's just him.


    >downvotes for opinion


    >logic < 0


  2. Did you link it to self.origin?

        trig = getEnt ("trigger_fx" , "targetname");
        trig waittill("trigger", player);
        iprintlnbold ("sentrex is nublet"); 
            playFx( level.fx , self.origin );
            wait .1;

    I tried helping Gabe with this earlier.. Not sure if it will work try testing it


  3. I'll participate in Challenge #2. 


         I would LOVE to take part in a closed beta because this mod literally is the BEST mod i've have seen in quite a while. The looks of it are amazing, and what better way is there to spice up a dying game (CoD4) then bring the other Call of Duty's into it. The guns, ported maps, Killstreaks, are AMAZING. I would love to help test out the mod, and see it's growth in updates, and popularity.


  4. Like lossy said, you can spawn brushes with scripting :3




    // brush 1
     ( -6752 -2272 -992 ) ( -6816 -2272 -992 ) ( -6816 -2320 -992 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
     ( -6816 -2320 -944 ) ( -6816 -2272 -944 ) ( -6752 -2272 -944 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
     ( -6816 -2272 -912 ) ( -6752 -2272 -912 ) ( -6752 -2272 -992 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
     ( -6848 -2304 -944 ) ( -6848 -2256 -944 ) ( -6848 -2256 -1024 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 0 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
     ( -6736 -2256 -912 ) ( -6800 -2256 -912 ) ( -6800 -2256 -992 ) icbm_hazardstripe2 64 64 -672 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0
     ( -6880 -2224 -944 ) ( -6880 -2272 -944 ) ( -6880 -2272 -1024 ) icbm_missilebody 128 128 0 0 0 0 lightmap_gray 16384 16384 0 0 0 0