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Posts posted by Zack

  1. onBeginUse( player )
    	if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) )
    		player playSound( "mp_bomb_defuse" );
    		player.isDefusing = true;
    		if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) )
    			level.sdBombModel hide();
    		player.isPlanting = true;
    		if ( level.multibomb )
    			for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ )
    				self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::disableObject();
    onEndUse( team, player, result )
    	if ( !isAlive( player ) )
    	player.isDefusing = false;
    	player.isPlanting = false;
    	if ( self maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::isFriendlyTeam( player.pers["team"] ) )
    		if ( isDefined( level.sdBombModel ) && !result )
    			level.sdBombModel show();
    		if ( level.multibomb && !result )
    			for ( i = 0; i < self.otherBombZones.size; i++ )
    				self.otherBombZones[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_gameobjects::enableObject();

    Not sure if it's what you're looking for, look in Raw > Maps > Mp > Gametypes > sd.gsc or sab.gsc (Search and Destroy or Sabotage)


  2. Pixel, they'll just activate after the jumper finishes, plus they'll get more EXP! Woo hoo! More EXP, an epic nooby snipe room, and free run! :D

    There's a way past that with scripting some more into it. If traps aren't activated within a certain amount of time.


  3. Model:  Clown Entrance

    Scale (e.g. real world scale):  Medium

    Texture resolution: Eh, doesn't really matter, average.

    Additional stuff: It's an carnival entrance, you need to be able to fit people though it. Especially the fat ones who eat all the cotton candy, so make it big enough for them too :dave:


    Something like this:


    But scarier and less detailed.


  4. Textures sorta burn though my eyelids, decent for your first map, wouldn't really say it should be put on raid, just my opinion. If you plan on mapping another map, try working on the lighting, making better, and uniquer (uniquer?) traps. 7/10 because traps and lighting. Decent map though
