
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by iMtroll

  1. Perspirant here is something that deodorant blocks from our bodies xD Also there's a setting to view textures in radiant without having to compile, it shows on the 2D grid and on the 3D as usual
  2. Ryuu Ga Waka Teki KYS - How I now hear Hanzo's voice line

  3. That water looks ugly imo.
  4. It's been a good run. But Raid just isn't Raid anymore. It's something else. So yah, it's about time I made it official that I'm stepping down from CM. It's been a good run up until recently. Hopefully you guys can all stay for a while and live on somewhat, but you can only really squeeze cod4 of its last small fraction of players for so long before every last person is gone. Adios, so long amigos, bon voyage! Peace Out
  5. Poland cannot into space
  6. Ayyyyy, you went from not even knowing the map to porting it and getting everything looking smooth in under a week! Nice job ;) You're doing amazing so far, even with your non-ported side of mapping. Thanks for supporting us with the surf mod so consistently, you're actually brilliant :wub: <3
  7. It does this on CS too, I should know as you always RTV while I'm surfing. Believe it or not, 66% of 2 players is one RTV
  8. Hiya! Thanks for your donation first of all, it helps a lot. Secondly, when @MiKeY actually bothers to check the live forums rather than his own development version, I'm sure he'll give you your vip status on the servers.
  9. Well tbh, I've seen you surfing on csgo.. If you say you can complete surf_porn_fix then I personally think you're lying
  10. Dat flooring though. The setup itself looks nice the way it is, but the room in general is ruined by the flooring :c
  11. It's been out not even a month yet and you're expecting people to have more than very little experience. Last I checked, you were calling 99% of the world retarded, but now you seem to spew more shit than an American after eating at White Castle
  12. Hasta luego
  13. Because Slaya's opinion is basically if he can complete it then it's classed as easy. Yet again, you're showing that just because something is against your own opinion it is wrong or unusable. Since you're the almighty God that knows everything about anything, tell me, is the answer to life, the universe, and everything actually 42?
  14. Whalecum to my AfterLife Raid! If you need anything feel free to PM me @MiKeY
  15. Why replace? Raid can just open more servers without having to pay more
  16. Getting real tired of seeing posts about the EU, whether you voted Leave or whether you voted Stay, can you keep your opinion to yourself instead of hating anyone that voted differently? We're all here to game, not fucking cry over who voted what

  17. None of your opinions matter on this poll, just wanna see what you say. After all, it's MY POLL #Just@SPiThings
  18. My point exactly, you just want people to do it for you, not help you.
  19. Basically you don't want to actually learn, you just want someone to do it for you. If you want to learn how to add a next button, just look at the original sources of both deathrun and cod4 itself. You're never going to learn how to do something if you never look and just get people to do your work for you.
  20. Well in this case it worked, so maybe you should go back on your logic of telling people to not try them ;o
  21. @@Anti are my arms getting big enough for you yet?
  22. Still stuck in Nova I see :dave:
  23. I'll take some Banjo Kazooie