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Everything posted by Scillman

  1. mp/rankTable.csv
  2. Be sure to add me on Steam before the total XFire shutdown: SteamID: Scillman

    1. Scillman


      Yes, just not in the games you guys play ATM ;P

    2. Tinman


      What games would that be? :3 "You guys" is a bit vague :>

    3. Scillman


      Metro Redux, Destiny (XBox), Titanfall and Rust :P

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  3. Okay so let me explain my situation. I am currently scaling back from having 4 email address all the way back to just having 1. To do so I have to change my email everywhere I feel necessary, or better every place I am still using as others are just spam anyway. ;) One of the places I changed my email is on the Raid forums and despite having an email here and having (nearly all) email settings set I still recieve no emails from Raid. Is this normal behavior for this forum?
  4. I've been discussing some ideas for a Halloween themed map with BraXi. I noted down a lot of ideas and I am playing around with it as we speak. The reason I already post here is because my friends(on Steam/XFire) seem to be interested in it. Traps - I currently have plans for a variety of traps: (added on request) Features - I got burned by the community because of not adding too much for the specific gametype; lets add some features Minigames - I try to add a classic variety of minigames. I will order the screenshots below with parts of the map and development as a seperate part: (It is in descending order, so the manor is the end of the map and the square is the beginning.) Manor Chapel Barn Wheatfield Boulders Riff Batcave Cave Square Development/Design
  5. As requested :P P.s. I am switching to 180/18 Edit: my new speed ;P
  6. Yours truly is now on Twitch =D

    1. Tinman


      I must know moar!

    2. Pixel


      I'm gonna post on there xD

    3. Scillman


      Nope just good ol' cable; gonna post my speed too

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  7. October 13 - The beginning of the end.

    1. Tinman


      That landscape looks very similar to South Africa.

    2. Phelix


      OMG i didn't know it was that close!!! Thanks for letting me know ^^ can't wait!

    3. Scillman


      =D Downloading now in 4K :>

  8. No Should Darmuh stop posting soo many status updates?
  9. Well I just played Metro 2033 (Redux) so it feels a bit like this: But it looks good and it has been a long time since I played CoD SP :P
  10. 'Product is End of Life'... okay... so now I have to order a different cobination of GPUs... well 2 GTX 970 will do =D

  11. According to Origin I have a 66 MByte/s connection... that is nearly my abbo in MBits... **weird*

    1. ~Budzy~


      Origin does that

    2. DeadEcho


      It show the dl and installation speed in the same time. When I installed Titanfall, it showed 260MB/s for me :D

    3. Scillman


      @DeadEcho it can't show it at the same time, it is being done in stages: download, install, extra extractions. So it remains strange...

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  12. Well... I have 2x GTX 760 4GB (SLI) I think I can safely skip the 9xx series :P
  13. Just broke a CPU cooler :'(

    1. Signify


      ^ better off buying one than getting an intel stock cooler but i like you, you're a generous person.

    2. Scillman


      @Headdy thanks for the offer but I am already handling it :P should be fixed by tomorrow =D

    3. Headdy


      Yeah, I don't recommend using a stock one -ofcourse-, but if he lived close by I would give it to him so he can still use his PC until he gets a replacement ;)

      But, alright, PM me if you still need it :)

      Good luck!

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  14. Writing HATE mails :@

  15. #VGHS Season 3 =D

    1. Darmuh


      The term you're looking for is web series. And it's awesome nuff said

      This is the trailer for season 3

    2. NNJ


      hmmm looks like a lot of effort was put into it 0_o

    3. Darmuh


      Probably has. freddiew has been making awesome videos since I was a freshman in highschool. Rocket Jump is a group he started and they look like they're goin places :D

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  16. That moment when you're downloading 10 OSes for school :<

  17. Psst... :ph34r: Had to wait for someone so challenge accepted :P
  18. @ 'Free Run' is the round before the actual game start. 'Free Mode' (in my opinion) refers to not allowing traps to not be activated at any time.
  19. Simply add triggers that automatically activate traps when trigger. Also to prevent the activator from camping activate them all if the first 'start' trigger is not touched within x seconds.
  20. It's not the worldspawn settings as one room has and the other hasn't light. Lol... English 1. To solve the red you have to add a lightgrid. 2. Use at least 1 reflection_probe in a map. 3. The light may not penetrate solid materials. Simply said it may just be that light does not reach in sufficient quantities. (But I can not tell this from your Radiant...) Dutch 1. Om het rode op te lossen (moet) je een lightgrid gebruiken. 2. Minstens 1 reflection_probe in een map. 3. Het licht kan niet door vaste materialen. Of simpel gezegd er komt waarschijnlijk te weinig licht door de materialen. (Kan ik niet zien in je Radiant...) P.s. als je Nederlandse hulp wil voeg me dan maar toe op Steam/XFire
  21. It's exactly what it says. It is compressed in a format that Call of Duty does not understand/is capable of playing. Simply convert it into the right format. OMG you did not just... my 1999 PC can still play these files. It has nothing to do with the sound card.
  22. Sounds like the .map you're trying to import is corrupted. Can you open it by itself? (So without importing?) BTW there is a directory inside the map_source directory called prefabs <.<
  23. Q&A @@siikdude Okay so here we go with a visual explenation... The OP has multiple brushes that have to be moved one after another. (SB) The above image shows the three possibilites. SA SB SC
  24. Why the loop? The reason to use i is to be able to go over each individual item in the array. Using nothing would be like the following: ents = getEntArray("brushes", "targetname"); for (;;) ents[ERROR: Unknown local variable] rotate(90, 1); Since you do not know the size of the array and the current targeted item. The way you use the for is the same as a common while: while (1); for (;;); Why use arrays? The reason to use arrays is to reduce the amount of necessary script and to simplify. E.g. entA = getEnt("a", "targetname"); entB = getEnt("b", "targetname"); entC = getEnt("c", "targetname"); entD = getEnt("d", "targetname"); entE = getEnt("e", "targetname"); entF = getEnt("f", "targetname"); entG = getEnt("g", "targetname"); entH = getEnt("h", "targetname"); entI = getEnt("i", "targetname"); entJ = getEnt("j", "targetname"); for (;;) { entA rotateRoll(360, 3); entA waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entB rotateRoll(360, 3); entB waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entC rotateRoll(360, 3); entC waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entD rotateRoll(360, 3); entD waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entE rotateRoll(360, 3); entE waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entF rotateRoll(360, 3); entF waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entG rotateRoll(360, 3); entG waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entH rotateRoll(360, 3); entH waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entI rotateRoll(360, 3); entI waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; entJ rotateRoll(360, 3); entJ waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; } Can be considered a huge mess, this is generally considered problematic. Imagine something like Windows being written like that, it would be unmaintainable! Or the time it would take to correct bugs as you have to replace it an X amount of times rather than just once. Using arrays it will become easier, more maintainable and less buggy guaranteed! It would become the following: ents = getEntArray("a", "targetname"); for (i = 0; i < ents.size; i++) { ents[i] rotateRoll(360, 3); ents[i] waittill("rotatedone"); wait 5; }
  25. Titanfall 52.52 GB O_O (Origin Game Time!)

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    2. Triton


      Try downloading it then :)

    3. Lossy
    4. Cloudy


      My internet when downloading the titanfall beta was at a unbelievable 12mb/s, until 5 seconds after... then it went back down to 200kb/s. GG.

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