
Retired Admin
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About Purity

  • Rank
    I'm the Realist

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    Lossys mum


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  1. Anyone know dates/round abouts of steam winter sale? I cba to research

    1. West


      Calculating from the past Winter sales, this time it's either going to start on the 17th, or the 20th.

      Source: https://gyazo.com/7ae31893d32661429595a67d2b8779be

    2. siikdude
  2. Hello my friends, allies and faggots. It's with great sadness I have to make this post, although I do believe it's for the best. I will try and make it short and sweet but would like to add detail where possible. SO, without further bullshitery here we go. As I'm sure the leaders, lead admins and players have noticed I have been extremely inactive on CoD4 overall and at Raid, although I do check the forums regularly etc, getting to the point I have really lost interest in CoD4 as a game, I have turned to the dark side and have basically took up playing CSGO as my main game but everytime I even think of launching cod4 I just get the feeling of boredom, perhaps it really is a dying game. I have decided the amount of admins in Raid are sufficient to do the job, with more players joining the servers daily new admins are needed, and some older ones need to go into retirement, I have been in Raid I believe just over a year, maybe less but the experience of being an admin (has had its ups and downs eh troll? Kappa) was amazing, the community, the servers, the leaders and admins in this community are all enjoyable and that's what I love about Raid. The only reason I would like to retire from my admin position (which some will be happy about) is because of my lack of activity on cod4, and I really dont feel like it will pick up again in the next few months, perhaps I will return to it, but as a player (ofc on Raid :dave: ) I hoped my duties both good and bad were noticed as an admin, I did try and be fair, I certainly fisted those hackers but I am aware I am and wasn't the best admin on Raid at all, I did abuse I did insult I did make harsh judgement but with the kind help of members of this community (anti, lossy, west mainly) I learnt and have improved my attitude in other games like CS. I desire to be put into the retired admins section, I feel I have earnt it. My retirement isn't an act against this community in anyway, no one has done me wrong or forced me to leave (although i would rather retire than be forced to step down) so with that in mind, i bid you farewell. There is just a quick thank you I would like to say, to the people who made my time here at this community enjoyable, I shall give a list of names (if your name isnt on, I still love you, kinda) Anti, Cloudy, West, Lossy, The two admin brother faggots, DeadEcho, Bear ( :angryarnold: ) , Tilakeh, Darmoo, Jwof, JR (even though we fell out recently) and the main bae's Triton and Caspa. I deeply enjoyed playing and getting to know everyone on the ts / servers and forums - thank you, my friends. tl-dr: retiring from admin, bored of cod4. This is my final decision, I just think its time. Lots of love, -Purity
  3. oh me being a nub I did have the screenshots, they were lost in gabens fortress of lies but I found them,
  4. i got LEM but deranked to LE 2 games after because we lost both due to russian solo queue :okay:
  5. happy birthday, brother sorry for late wishes :D
  6. this is brave to do jwof nub, you are very mature for a 14 year old with a good sense of humour and gr8 banter. no one really cares about age on the internet as long as ur not an annoying kent.
  7. good luck, as always i suggest trying to fill out your application as much as possible to make you stand out! GL mate!=
  8. congrats new babies
  9. happi burfday n000b
  10. TILAKEEHHHHHHH happy birthday bro! :angryarnold:
  11. good luck :)
  12. Is it just me or have the steam servers been incredibly shit recently?

    1. SPi


      Yeah I think so. They constantly restart for updates or turn offline out of the blue.

    2. Spencer


      they're always shit

    3. Cloudy


      purrrityyy! <3

  13. nah fam, as people have said camping is allowed and however annoying it can be it's still a strat used by some, you could even call it 'lurking' Kappa123 Although saying this, if someone camps in the same spot the entire round and say is the last man against like 5 people and doesnt move and just stays there 'afk' then I would !poke or tell them to move, then take action accordingly. (Bcs it wastes time for the other players ingame if someone camps last alive for 1+ minute(s) )
  14. congrats to all the new nublets and ofc ANTI ! :D
  15. solved i believe, although yes those damn bots are annoying aimbotter :angryarnold: ban dem all