
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. +1
  2. The fun server used to be a popular server on raid, always 15+ people on it but it's slowly dying and boring now, only 10 players max most of the time. IMO we should try and re-populate the server, branch out the community to Fun again instead of just focusing on DR. Even sitting in spectate will populate the server so u dont have an excuse not to :3 Share your opinions / ideas i wanna hear them :) -Pur
  3. Manchester United :sir:
  4. Can this be fixed? noticed it for ages but was never dealt with, i am sure this can be fixed. This is extremely annoying aesthetically but also for the players. http://i.imgur.com/8sHHsQX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/D7nbfN6.jpg Fix ples. -Purity
  5. Happy bday nublet, too old 4 me now :3 You've done a lot for raid over the years, taken most of it apon yourself and done neary all the work - so we should appreicate and celebrate this nublets bday :3 Some Quotes from the community about your bday: Staab: 'Happy bday lossy, ur a faggot but we all love you' Slaya: "Happy birthday nub, now just need to learn to drink. - The Toxic Guy" Pixel: ''Happy birthday...' Sentrex: "Have a nice birthday Lossy :) Have a good'en!" BlueSeven: 'Lossy has created a community which has vastly expanded into being a very successful community and we are all grateful for it.' Caspa: 'Lossy, i only met you recently and you seem like a cunt but Happy Birthday! <3 you' Anti: "Hope you have good day...nub" iMtroll: 'fuk you lossy, go get me your mums jam cup' Triton: Happy birthday lossy, maybe it might be time to pay me back some of these steam cards :> Anyways its 00:00 and i've ran out of time! these quotes are just a few from the ts3 community. Happy bday lossy :) have a good one. edit: if anyone else wishes to add a quote, post below or tell an admin and edit the post :)
  6. When you get free VIP :sir: hehehe

    1. Lossy
    2. Anti


      When you complain about not getting something free right away :sirwithbabybib:

  7. :facepalm: All people of any age can play games and are welcome on Raid :)
  8. hola. Taco taco taco - Copyright Poot 2014 Anyways, welcome to the forums nub
  9. Wishing lossy a happy christmas- big 20 now, so sexy

    1. Tinman


      Whose Birthday is it.

    2. Lossy


      stop making me feel old :'( ty :)

    3. BraXi


      ..old and grumpy :dave:

  10. 62!? good lord. good luck haha! Seem very mature and i'm sure you would be a good admin. Stay active on servers AND forums. Gl -Purity
  11. Good application and good guy, deserves admin IMO - active, follows rules and mature for his age. /recommended
  12. Once again, dont bump old topics. *sigh* Will leave to higher admins what to do - e.g. warn him if he does it again ;) /locked
  13. Please dont bump old topics. /locked
  14. :mellow: <_< :cry: :facepalm:
  15. congrats nubs! especailly my bae's @ and @@jwofles Congrats to all, use the position wisely and good luck for ur future apps
  16. good luck i guess :3 dont know u well enough to say anything positive sorry m8
  17. scooby snack? Hey, welcome to Raid :3 Enjoy ur stay and ill cya around
  18. Think everything that needs to be said is said in the above posts. If you or any other member of the community wishes to make a map/suggest a map then post here; http://raid-gaming.net/forums/forum/10-suggestions/ I'm sure new maps will be added by a voting system, so be active on the forums for that! -Purity /locked
  19. i is sorry i be late but :3 Spotted you dancing drunk outside da club! Happy 18th nublet :3 -Purity
  20. Welcome mate, enjoy ur stay! Hope to see you around on the servers :xd:
  21. Got talent mate, it looks good and interesting! more like some james bond shit :D Keep it up!
  22. It was originally in the rotation but too much glitching/out of map shit happened so it was removed, although im sure barriers can be added etc if it's a popular demand. On the note, as psycho said when im on and play about 3-4 maps i always ban at least one hacker, so if myself or another admin isnt on the server and one hacker comes the majority will leave. This is due to inactive admins / lack of admins - which im waiting to be solved in the new applications :D Anyways, i think when master server is fixed Fun will be more active.
  23. Good luck mate, maybe fill out ur app a little more :D
  24. as everyone has said, no effort in ur app m8 - more length and PREACH IT, you want this position dont u? so act like it :3 Anyways, good funny guy, bit young (13 when it says 16 - dont give me that exception bullshit) You are active on forums / ts3 and servers though! so good luck. -Purity