
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. FLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :happycry: :happycry: :happycry: please add.
  2. Really like the one; Masterkids - Power on keep it up guys!
  3. rank: 17 name: Purity time played: 243 rank: 305 name: *SB* time played: 33 or, your other name rank: 335 name: Seabass time played: 23 im on everyday as most people know usually till late at night and i rarely see u, just saying. Goodbye thats all i have to say
  4. not sure if troll application or srs? dont like the attitude or the way this is wrote, dont see u ingame, dont like what u do ingame (insult or rage) dont like ur activity, dont like this app. "good luck" -Purity
  5. happy burfdy waffles nub! luv u <3
  6. > we tell you what you are doing wrong (tinman explained this VERY damn well) > still aruges and complains he is right and knows better.. Bosnian, you will never learn :)
  7. i agree, but nothing really can be done without enforcing rules e.g. "you must activate" which tbh i dont think the community would like
  8. It's there choice whether or not to give Free, FFF, or activate. There are no rules on raid about activating - even though it is ENCOURAGED. This aint FNRP m8, people dont get banned for it. Admins job is to warn / stop the people who flame at the acti, then its settled usually. Dont really see the point of this topic bro, it's their choice to acti or not, the players will complain no matter what :3 -Purity
  9. welcome back ! Hope you had a fun time
  10. Whenever i go to upvote his post a magical magnet pulls my cursor to the downvote button, sorry bosnian. but its fate that u get downvoted :troll:
  11. Pretty sure braxi sold 4x3 her sources, or thats what unnamed told me :dumb: [18:21] UnnamedPlayer: btw, I also have sources :D [18:21] UnnamedPlayer: 1.2 and 1.3 [18:21] Purity: patches u mean? :D [18:21] UnnamedPlayer: No sources files [18:21] UnnamedPlayer: I bought them [18:21] Purity: oh right ye ye [18:21] Purity: how much [18:21] UnnamedPlayer: 35 euros Back on topic, as i said its up to the leaders really, most maps are in rotation but arent picked, but if say we removed a popular map = CHAOS people would complain etc, so hard choices to be made
  12. yay! good news to hear, everyone thought it was ddos :dave: Good to know everythings fine :)
  13. have fun :3 enjoy blink 182 :okay:
  14. On a good note, i like the idea of the water wave trap, looks nice but not that smooth :)
  15. Lossy put it back up :) About that hacker - admins cant do anything without evidence
  16. I see you on the FUN server a lot, you're a good player and you do report hackers to me or to other admins a lot, although sometimes u make false accusations (u say some people hack when they dont) but thats a good point i suppose that you are willing to bust hackers, you just need to learn the right ways :D - good luck, enjoy and keep reporting :)
  17. i got reset doe so my stats got reset :( i feel like nub :dave:
  18. i have a dig bick You that read wrong You read that wrong too You read that again to make sure im not fucking with you.
  19. Are u asking us to make weapon skins or for us to suggest to u? Either way, i agree some more camo's should be added, but they need to be pro :3
  20. Got 8 weetabix into one bowl. Great success

    1. Tilak
    2. Triton


      ^^^ Too true cledi, Too true, still nice though nevertheless

    3. BigTekker


      Weetabix is only good if u have something sweet with them or fruit I'm going for 12 weetabix

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  21. Although the plugin is good in many ways, it does have some bad effects ; I have noticed that some spawns are in the building that the end rooms are in e.g. Caelum (soz for bad spelling) so when u finish the map u die from the spawn kill, because it thinks ur at spawn but ur actually at the finish. Also for secrets, some secrets e.g. spacetunnel start at the spawn, meaning when u come back from it u instantly die from the spawn kill. There are a few errors with the plugin, dont know if they can be fixed or not? Just letting ya know -Purity
  22. triton fixed it u just got to decompile map :3
  23. Staab and everyone else is aware of these bugs. staab i think has gave up :D Thanks for the report doe, maybe someone will bother to fix dawn :3
  24. Link doesnt work, says video is unavailable? Was this solved? If not fix the link :D