
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. gz and of course welcome back m8
  2. IMO, i have seen u on the servers a few times and youre fun to play with but idk what you would be like as an admin, Ur 12, barely post and havent had much time on the forums m8 it seems ur rushing this decision. But honestly good luck, just my opinion.
  3. welcome m8
  4. The wallbang is the most annoying, i seen Venom / Poison do it with the sniper selected and just one shot through the glass. Pretty annoying but only sheepwizard can fix it :D
  5. Hello friends, as some of you may find to believe, i actually have a life :dumb: i have a gf, friends and a social life and for that reason i will be afk for around 1 week. I am going on a alcohol filled week of camping with a few mates starting this sunday and presumably till next sunday (unless we get kidnapped or something) SO yes, just letting you all know i wont be on the servers AT ALL starting from this sunday till next, i will be on the forums tho (unlimited 3G FTW) NOTE: ill be looking out for Bear in the woods, hopefully he will teach me his gfx. -Purity
  6. BUMP: im back, hungover, have a nasty throat infection and severe vomiting. GREAT SUCCESS
  7. happy bday m8
  8. lol'd good ole braxi but idd it does look amazing
  9. late reply but meh: welcome to the forums, played with you a lot on Fun server havent seen ur son tho. Reported a few hackers with me if i remember so of course we are grateful for u helping to keep the server hacker free :D Again, Welcome and have fun.
  10. indeed, good luck and have lots of fun on ur travel :3
  11. 61 :o welcome however, ty for reporting hackers if u see them!
  12. welcome back pixel !
  13. When i used to do graffiti art, my tag was always Purity i never knew why but it just clicked, everything i drew or painted i used purity so it kind of just went with all my names, Cod2-6 = Purity. yes, i did know "Purity" means that u wish to be "pure" until marriage but no thats not why i picked the name xD
  14. hola and welcome mate, see u on DR a lot and a good fun guy to be with!
  15. grey one must be adopted
  16. have fun in august m8 :D fk bitches
  17. unlucky ^ :troll: welcome to the forums m8 ive seen u in DR quite a lot!
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I16_8l0yS-g JUST FUCKING LOL
  19. There are admins, and if not u can report them in the ticket system just like i do;
  20. this is bob marley, i have one and they are extremely useful. one pouch for remote, one for beer, one for niblets. GG mob barley. GG
  21. Wish u the best of luck, PC gaming is life. However, if u cant get a claim or some money then it does leave u with the choice of getting a job (if u dont have one already) and paying for a new, better pc or parts? I took a break from PC gaming a while back and it was vv.good to get out of it and do new things etc but i did miss it a lot and ended up coming back, so i feel ur pain :3 good luck m8
  22. yes! amazing work, the bots issue is a great fix, now players can actual have those spots :) ty for ur work
  23. secret on spacetunnel art :D dat tdm hero and team carry