
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. on this note, say from DR you do !join fun you cannot do !join dr from the fun server, even though it says on the b3 bot spam thing.


    Is that a plugin or something? i think the !join cmd should work on all raid servers not just DR (im unfamiliar if it works on any others)


  2. Although the plugin is good in many ways, it does have some bad effects ;


    I have noticed that some spawns are in the building that the end rooms are in e.g. Caelum (soz for bad spelling) so when u finish the map u die from the spawn kill, because it thinks ur at spawn but ur actually at the finish.


    Also for secrets, some secrets e.g. spacetunnel start at the spawn, meaning when u come back from it u instantly die from the spawn kill.


    There are a few errors with the plugin, dont know if they can be fixed or not?


    Just letting ya know 




  3. Hey Guys im noob how many of you fell for my trolls im made a lot  :( but im sorry and im turning a new leaf :D sorry forgives? :)


    i shall translate this to english, as best as i can;


    Hello dear members of raid community, i seem to be a little timid and rough on CoD4, im sure you smart folks fell for my "trolls" that i played on you a lot.

    I am sorry and i wish to go to a forest and turn over leaves, will u forgive me?


    le master translator


    Anyways, i dont know about ur "trolls" but i will provide leaves for u to turn over if u wish. 


  4. Why would bumba know? =o




    Anyway was meant to sort it all last week but because i came down with something i lost motivation and was really on my PC that much and was meant to fix it last night but internet became crappy so i couldn't test stuff :(


    thought he was testing it with you, maybe he knows some info :D


  5. ughhhh, this is rushed tbh. Barely been on forums or in the community fully 


    anyways, active on DR good skills on DR


    dont know if he has any admin experience ...




    anyways, has a good repuation with players ingame, is very active and nice to talk to



    Good luck
