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About Mr.Shankley

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  1. says it's a miracle if deathrun gets 10 players.. pXg gets 20 players, sometimes at once, 24 was on the other day maybe 15 are on all the time.... do your research buddy.
  2. You guys are so negative, it's not irrelevant to me, I still find the mod fun and so does 50 other people, maybe 100's.
  3. this is what I use to play CoD4 and teamspeak, I have to game on this and use it for school... pfft, welcome to my world.
  4. fuck, I never knew this shit, BRAXI PLS COME BACK AND CONTINUE ON THE *hopefully* MANY VERSIONS OF THE DEATHRUN MOD e.g. actualy 1.3, 1.4 none of that bullshit stuff where they say it's 1.4. Damn it would've been good to have attributes and achievements, back when I first started out that is.
  5. I vote for number 2, love doing that double switch, sometimes like to run with that shit.
  6. ®Uptownfuckyouup
  7. ^ fast at dr
  8. How is water quality affected by Sustainable land management 5 7 6 4 8 9 10 1 3 11 122 13 15 Unsustainable land management 14 Stream and gully erosion. Crop stubble removed by burning or ploughing-in exposes soil to erosion. Cultivation up and down the slope increases run-off and erosion of topsoil. Decline in soil structure from over-cultivation and compaction by heavy machinery, increased soil acidity from overuse of fertilisers, and contamination by pesticides and herbicides. Dust storms remove topsoil. Mass movement caused by land clearing and overgrazing. Development can cause erosion, localised flooding, sedimentation in rivers and a decline in water quality and biodiversity. Habitat loss due to land clearing. Bioaccumulation of pesticides in food webs. Irrigation increases amount of ground water, can lead to waterlogging and rise in watertable. Replacement of trees and deep-rooted native vegetation with shallow-rooted crops and pastures. Allows watertable to rise, salinity to increase, and vegetation to die. Large areas devoted to monoculture (one crop), stubble removed, increased run-off and erosion. Vegetation removed from stream banks causes severe erosion. Run-off of fertilisers can cause eutrophication and algal blooms in waterways. Sedimentation from erosion, silt builds up in river. farming practice?
  9. no pussy?
  10. k
  11. Sicknub ^
  12. I have come back lately and I really hope my brother does not. Even if he does I will make sure he uses a cracked key code. Though I agree with OwO.
  13. tru.
  14. all of them.
  15. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Joseph Tuagalu What is your in-game name?: SainT How old are you?: 16 What is your primary server?: pXg and Raid Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: What is your Steam?: jai_burger2000 What makes you a good admin?: I believe I am a good admin because I am NOW a much respectable person than I was before, I am starting to get on Raid Deathrun, usually by myself, but I am getting on. I had played earlier this morning (AEST < Time Zone) I love the Raid server, I am a very experienced with B3 commands and I am a very helpful person when it comes to CoD4 Deathrun and really anything to do with it, either than modding, coding etc. I am a patient person, I do not ask for power. I am a pretty generous person, Me warning is as rare as a blue moon. It is a positive and a negative, I also admit I do have a lot to learn, I am an honest player, if I do something wrong I will own up to it. I also treat power given to me, lik What skills do you have?: I am an decent DR player, better than average. I have experience with admin powers with Manu admin and B3 commands I can also teach other of my intermediate skills on these types of things. I can now do origami. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I am currently a 40 admin on pXg Deathrun. I Why should we choose you?: I believe you should choose me because I am a very fun person to talk to, to play with. I believe I can handle the challenge ahead of me, and taking the responsibility of a Raid Admin, I am a very active player. I also have a different Time Zone usually when America is nighttime, it is my day time, I can look over the server. I am not power hungry, I do not ask for any power higher than power given to me. I can help others with knowledge I have on COD4 Deathrun and some other interesting things. I am kind person and a joker. I like to talk a lot, this is also a negative and a positive. Thank you.