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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. My speed at school, the whole school uses own private laptop to work on and smartphones to amuse their selves or you got people that like to game on laptops during class xD
  2. U buy for us PC parts and we will BO3, deal ? no ? ok :Dave: :cry:
  3. Says the Russian guy :Troll:
  4. Thank you :wub:
  5. Discuss anything here that doesn't fit anywhere else. c:
  6. Actually I like this game more because you have alot more options in that game
  7. >Leaves FNRP because he didn't get Admin, you just joined FNRP back then mate xD Anyways, welcome to Raid-Gaming. I hope you enjoy your stayment.
  8. Oi

    Hello and welcome, it's me BosnianArmy ^^
  9. Hello there, As the title says me or we need help with his question, since I cannot ask questions through steam because some people want to have their Steam for gaming and not 24/7 question list for help service I will simply post it here so that everyone can see it. NinjaWa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): bos NinjaWa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): can u ask someone if they know how to make antihack? NinjaWa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): or import levels to mysql? BosnianArmy: why would you import levels to mysql ? NinjaWa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): so no one can hack it The one that I marked Yellow are the important questions, so: 1) Is it possible for the MySQL part? 2) Is here someone that could improve the anti level hacking in deathrun? Not just for us but in general for everyone 3) Post only if you have a theory or a answer to the questions Thank you for reading, -BosnianArmy
  10. Well I clutched 4 vs 1 so fk u :P
  11. I wish Troll's aim was better in that match :cry:
  12. Happy Birthday u young man ;)
  13. WHY am I now the problem since I didn't freaking started at all this time ?..
  14. You're talking a bit trash, I think you need to look back at the history and understand better at some things. The excistance of Nazi is made by Hitler, Hitler hated jews for some reason what no one knows. Hitler killed like about 1-5 million jews and with that jews didn't had any land to live some where because in THAT time EVERYONE hated jews back then and so excisted Israel. Now everyone hates muslims because of that and this and that. Anyways, "Also palestine don't deserve what they get, they got fucked over because of the british, religion and politices. Go learn some history." Of course no one deserves slaughtering but it isn't because of British people :facepalm: the role parts are religion and politics or in other words Political Goverment shit what I said earlier. And bear that shit is fake, for example from your picture verse 9:30 Please don't post shit things that you didn't even read or even looked at it..
  15. I could say that with the christians back then or with the jews etc. Do not blame on the religion, blame on humanity that abuse. Even if the religion didn't excisted, there would STILL be terrorists or people that would be evil. Main problem is, humanity can be evil which is 50%. People are jealous 24/7 they want things and they can do stupid things to let them feel their selves better. But oh well we could discuss this for a long time like this but I've said it, I said what is true. Big part of humanity is shit for what they are doing.
  16. The biggest problem is that the whole world abuse each other 24/7. There is some history that france or brittains went to Africa to capture the land and made black people slaves to have them as workers and to earn money with it and they got only small part of food that fits into their 2 hands the slaves. Bosnia for example, Serbia wanted to capture the whole Yugoslavia back then which didn't happend luckily, also America wanted that Yugoslavia fell appart from each other since Yugoslavia became bigger and stronger and richer. And now the middle east at Syria, Irak, Iran, the Islamic State in General. Turkey wants oil, America wants oil, Russia wants oil, Brittain wants oil, France wants oil actually loads of countries maybe even more that keeps it self very quiet. It's always the same song over and over again, it's all about the game: Who's the Alpha with wealth. All political shit that's happening. I've even seen a video yesterday from facebook about that America made ISIS by giving weapons and money to the fighters that fighted against ISIS but instead ISIS captured that: So in short words: It's all about political shit with the shit goverment that's running with evil people in it that causes always problems in the world. We don't know shit what's happening in the world.
  17. Well spoken Lossy, well spoken :Dave: #Lossy2K15Wisdom
  18. Meh Apple sucks because they are few steps behind from the technology (little steps) and they still are freaking overpriced :Dave: Anyways, happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy u nub c:
  19. Nah I didn't lied as well, I did lied back at Runescape 2006 version xD Anyways, loads of people lie about their age on the internet so it isn't new. People lie about their age by many reasons, for example: Because of the older people that talk to childeren, childeren think very very big what could happen while NOTHING could happen, I thought the same back when I played Runescape 2006 version so that's quite long time ago, I too lied about my age at that game, I said I was 17 while I was like 10. But why? Because your parents tell that it could be a pedo or something else blablablablabla, the thing that I learned over years being active on Internet is, be your self and don't give too much information about your self and nothing will happen. 1) At least try to say your real age so that people can think with you so that they can think twice before saying anything to you, for example: A adult will send some sexy picture that is actually in a funny way made to the 17 year old guy, but the 17 year old guy lied about his age so he's like let's say 13 years old. Another example: The 13 year old that lies about his age and says he's 17. He's too immature for being 17 and get's problems with converstations because he acts like a kid of 12. 2) Don't give too much information about your self, like a full name from you and address where you live and what for house you live etc etc. The country, age and first name is MORE then enough. Remember, these were only examples! So Waffles we will accept of course your apologize, it wasn't really your fault because you thought in a good way to defend your self.
  20. Holy shit this bump
  21. Beatthat is younger then me :wat: :wat: Anyways, happy birthday brah and since you like cars I think I got a nice picture from Google pictures to you :awesome:
  22. *Darmuh has gotten orgasms there*
  23. Number 1 problem with the humanity in the world (what darmuh said) :dave: