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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Hey as some of you noticed I am busy with a new deathrun map and this time completely made by my own and scripting at my own :awesome: :D but with a bit help of other guys with the scripting part since I'm new into it. Author: BosnianArmy Map name: mp_dr_stayhigh Traps: 9 working traps now on stage 1, busy with stage 2 Bigness map: Small/Medium Diffeculty: Medium/Hard Here are some pictures: STAGE 1: STAGE 2:
  2. Not yet, I'm concetrating a bit on the endrooms now and later I am going to add that
  3. Russians are the weirdest people on the earth if I'm not wrong... lmfao
  4. This is how my radiant looks now: And btw, the map is about 95% done :3
  5. Fix ur lighting damnit :rage: , our eyes are burning in that map lol
  6. but still :Dave:
  7. I'm wondering why his radiant doesn't lag :dave:
  8. g_gametype deathrun
  9. Can't really be bothered lol
  10. Bump Made a sniper room:
  11. The one from Rednose was WIP but he never finished it although it would be one of the best deathrun maps :Rage:
  12. I say Yes, he is a awesome guy to talk with it and when it comes to being fair and discipline he is that for sure. He likes to help people though. You got my vote mate ;)
  13. Btw, if one of you saw his slender map for deathrun then you would say :motherofgod: twice xD
  14. Dayum.. this is all what I can say lol
  15. Guys, Should I change the name from: mp_dr_stayhigh to mp_dr_stayhighinthesky Because alot of people are thinking with the name stayhigh, as getting high by drugs at the moment, and if I would change it to stayhighinthesky that would be more logical.
  16. Zack & Lossy get your ass on fire to make this mod :Dave:
  17. Sounds fun :o
  18. What is this for mod if I may ask ?
  19. Its just a model and it looks good though that model :rage:
  20. 90% faze 360 is a damn roccat not a real shot anyways, I'm sure there is more challenge in this sniper room :>
  21. Finish your slender map :rage:
  22. Why the fk downvote people me after I said "more challenge in sniper room" ... pls
  23. Stfu looks good, more challange at sniper room >: :omfgwtfbbq:
  24. Looks good :motherofgod:
  25. :>