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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Use modwarfare instead of deathrun's makemod.bat or do you already use from modwarfare?


    Otherwise try to use this code for mademod.bat and make sure to back-up your old .bat file

    del z_modwarfare.iwd
    del mod.ff
    xcopy ui_mp ..\..\raw\ui_mp /SY
    copy /Y mod.csv ..\..\zone_source
    cd ..\..\bin
    linker_pc.exe -language english -compress -cleanup mod
    cd ..\mods\ModWarfare
    copy ..\..\zone\english\mod.ff
    7za a -r -tzip z_modwarfare.iwd maps
    7za a -r -tzip z_modwarfare.iwd images

    Just right click on the .bat file and paste this and save it.


  2. Wing wing herrow,


    I will start making a map again as I'm interested to do again. Yes blablabalbla I'm a bad mapper but this time I hope it will be different, I will try to improve the map time by time and listen to the suggestions and try to finish the map this time.


    As the other maps are corrupted I'm not in the mood to finish them.


    Anyways, the map theme is "Live or Die". Help me thinking of some idea's, fun traps that aren't too diffecult too make since I'm a nooby scripter. And I won't add any custom characters or weapons in the map because custom deathrun mods won't be able to load them as the server will crash then. Also give maybe links for textures if you have a suggestions for this texture for inside the map maybe ?


    I will update the Topic time by time with the story idea and the to do idea list. Let me know about your idea's !


    Lossy, Staab, Troll and all others ex mappers, please make a map again as well to have a great old feelings back :)


  3. RIghto like i have the worst internet here  :blink:


    Quite yes since your ISP gives you 1 mb upload speed, as it should be alot more. So that means ur ISP sucks and you pay for the highest price that could be there (idk if the price is high but just mentioning).


    The actual price that you pay for is 50% download and 50% upload but in your case it's like 80% download and 20% upload for example lol


  4. Why did you get GT720 for your work machine? It's likely worse than the integrated graphics in your CPU :dave:


    It's for a customer, not for my self :dave: The customer does AutoCAD as work and I need only to put the parts together :dave:
