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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. 6 minutes ago, jwofles said:

    Approaching completion, does anybody have a working trail script?

    This won't work for me 'who playFXOnTag(, who, "j_head" );', it throws an error (yes, who and red are defined).

    Look at Xenon's map for the script. Forgot the name of the map though.


  2. 3 minutes ago, sxk said:

    Can you stop correcting people on their English when your English is complete garbage. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if everyone started correcting you everytime you make a mistake

    Funny how you try to be smart on me while you're the one who's a dumbass. Tilak pointed on me that I spelled wrong, so I corrected it by showing I made a mistake when I typed lieng instead of lying. 

    It's also funny how you always pick on me, dumb idiot who thinks who has a ego.


  3. One of the 2 are lying, @PicAZoR is the most obvious but @nana could possibly lie to. But first we need facts. If Nana is not lieng, @PicAZoR needs to appoligise to him and also straight decline for his admin application, he can try again in the next X months.

    My thoughts, don't downvote me or what ever, and no don't downvote me because I said don't downvote me, just a expression -.-


  4. Good luck bear :(




    Remember to use your CS:GO skills :ph34r: , but seriously becareful what you do there and the people around you as they can be a big dickheads. Like when you sleep and they attack you because you made 1 mistake because you couldn't run further like the rest and they and you had to run a extra round and for only that they will/can attack you when sleeping by using a shirt or something else to bind you and smash on ur stomache with boots :dave:


    Just becareful bear! :anryarnold:


  5. Imagine, not everyone is good at surf ffs... I've seen tons of people who can't complete the map beginner and me neither still to finish it easy or easily. There are much easier ones and also there should come a map where people can actually practise surfing and that especially in cod4. There should be easy, medium and hard. Or like in CS:GO, tiers.


    They need to know the basics of strafing, speeding, slowing down, turning, etc etc.





    Some how double posted the post while I clicked once the button :Dave:.
