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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Caspa can you for a serious moment fuck off before I join into this? And that line doesn't mean that means that, as that line connects with other lines. Now all of you stop with this bullcrap racist comments.


    Talking about religion should be FORBIDDEN as this leads to freaking cunts who will make fun of it or will write dumb things.


    -Thanks for reading and stay on topic for fuck sakes man.


  2. We know.. but tell that to the 15/16 years old kids :dave:


    Basicly they map now and then for the mod. Some of us gave up for mapping as it's pain in the ass to make a themed detailed map, with some decent unique trap idea's and it costs time to make it. Some of us don't have simply the time for it anymore because (Life).


    But yeah, I agree.


  3. Omg :/... well maybe I can help you... don't see it as a negative way as I'm trying to help you out.


    Try to say to your parents to stop and think about what they are doing wrong, a man and women can sometimes not admit if they did something wrong. So they need to stop talking about things and be in that moment to throw the bs away from each others (what they said to each others) and they need to think back for the fun things.


    I sometimes can't believe that people get 1 big talking fight and then they divorce but anyways since I do not know what's happening I don't need to know as it's extremely private. Anyways I hope this helped you a bit and wish you all the best luck that your parents will stay together... :/
