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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Ok for music and graphics things but for the rest what a mac can do can a laptop as well and even more in general for the laptop. But for normal school usage he could have gotten a normal laptop or a beast laptop for 1000 euro/dollars/pounds. That's the point that I'm trying to say lol


  2. I said don't moan for that price because he could have bought a better laptop/pc for that money xd


    And I bought my laptop second hand :awesome: , the guy it self bought it for around 800 euro's and I bought it around 300 :D


  3. 5f9ec5e7-6ccd-4ec1-9a20-37ecd18ccf51.jpg


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Antiehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :(


    I really hope you will get in the tops of Murican nub Football and see you on TV :) Follow ur dreams and let that happen! Also don't forget us :) 


    Good luck my friend we won't forget you :)


  4. 1) Ask them for a new dedi for the same price and same specs if the downtime doesn't work

    2) Ask for money back that you guys paid for the last 2 months

    3) Say to them to setup for you a firewall protection if they have a shit ddos as they NEED to protect you for this such things and especially if they didn't do shit with those reports.


    The customer is the king over a company.


  5. I don't get this:


    "and make a record called '' i will still be able to connect with ''"


    What do you mean now? If you make so a second record. Do you can connect or not ? Or do you have this problem in general while trying to make a record and connect to that DNS.


  6. They look a bit the same because the form of the head is a bit the same, that's why :Dave:


    And OwO is Half-Half or is OwO at the russian part close to China/Mongolia? Just wondering :dave:
