Rescue Fox

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Posts posted by Rescue Fox

  1. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

    What is your real name?: Kyle (random German last name)

    What is your in-game name?: Rescue Fox

    How old are you?: 15

    What is your primary server?: Deadrun, also hop on fun fun every now and then

    What is your B3 CID?: @2371

    What is your Xfire?: rescuefox

    What is your Skype?: HebiGod

    What is your Steam?: Rescuefox

    What is your Origin?: N/A

    What makes you a good admin?: Well I can spot someone using a Rocdog a mile away. I'm also on frequently late at night when all the lesser nub admins are asleep  :troll: I'm a real quick learner and have an overall chill temperament. I can be very mature when the time calls for it and I'm very kind and understanding to other players so they can have a better experience on the raid servers. I'm very easy to contact, just steam, skype, or xfire me and I'll usually respond instantly (unless I'm sleeping like a nub)

    What skills do you have?: Well this one time I was staying the night at a friends house and his dad had a lock on the netflix (christian family) so I had to break his 4 number pass code... So I expertly remember that his dad is a preacher or something so he must love raptor Jesus so I was like "omg, raptor jesus was born on christmas" so i type in "1225" and it worked! I broke in that mug like a 1337 ninja! So i guess you could say my skill is being a hacker. Also my knowledge of Japanese cartoons gets me many females. 

    What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Rv/uWD. <-- Basically the same thing

    Why should we choose you?: Cause if you don't I'll hack you with my 1337 hacking skills  :sir:  Also because I'm a really cool guy to talk to imo. and I'm on constantly...... and I'll hack the hackers who are hacking the server....e.e hackception. Oh yea, also If you're going to ask me about teamspeak, I'll get on when I have new mic (so like next month) Erm..... I guess I'll shutup now... If you want to know more, feel free to ask! Thanks for taking your time to read this!
