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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. omg guise lookz at mai sexi shipment remake, it only tookz me 5 minuts but who cares?




    nah but on a serious note, i agree with you lossy, ugly looking maps = shit to me. I don't get how people like it.


    I really think we should go back onTopic though, almost forgot what thread this is lol.


  2. I honstly don't care if a map has music in it, my sound is muted every time i play cod4. Some people like it, some don't. It gives a special feel to the map in my opinion, and for the people that dont like it, just mute your sound. I know, you're gonna say "But i want to hear my fire sound or my footsteps" that's just how it is, either deal with it or don't play it.



    Also beatthat, if you do ever finish it my guess you would make it so it gives everyone a different gun after everymap? so you aren't just using the same shit over and over again? .-. 


    I was thinking of adding something like sharpshooter to it, you get a random gun every 45 seconds, since it can either be a good gun ( e.g ak47 ) or a bad gun ( e.g rpg with only 2 rockets )


  4. [23:45] <This user is now online>

    [23:45] Beatthat: fak u

    [23:45] [Raid]Lossy: :)

    [23:48] Beatthat: darmuh just told me

    [23:48] Beatthat: i love him more than you now

    [23:48] Beatthat: noob

    [23:48] [Raid]Lossy: fak u


  5. i dont like fast :c


    I usually compile all my maps on fast, unless im compiling it for the last time, then i switch to extra. I'd still suggest you to make those rooms smaller, or you could pm me your .map file and I'll try to compile it when i get back home that's in 4 hours from now on.


  6. Hey everyone,

    i got an problem with compiling my map on extra, i get the error out of memory on almost 50% without skybox.


    You're saying that you don't have a skybox, though you post a pic with a skybox. So what now?



    i thought that the cod4rad64.exe can compile it because it can use more memory but this .exe isnt working, is it only for me?



    Radiant itself doesn't even compile your map.


    so, the only suggestions i have:


    1.Add a Skybox if you don't have one.

    2.Make the rooms smaller, there's no need for such huge rooms.

    3.Remove useless stuff, like too many lights ( example )


    If that doesn't work, then you just have a wooden pc, so just compile it on fast.


  7. Favorite deathrun map? qube

    Favorite trap in a map? That jumpscare in Stronghold, not even sure if that's a trap though, so if that doesn't count, i don't have one.

    Favorite endroom in a map? qube, bounce room.

    Favorite secret in a map? Most secrets from rednose's maps

    Favorite mapper? Rednose, and Xenon.

    Most detailed map? Ruin2 / Ruin1 and all maps made by Xenon

    Hardest map? Terror

    Best themed map? probably sm_world

    Least favorite map? All maps made by fr33k


  8. Little tip, disable the hud, fps counter etc... also you could use a sexy config, to make it a little more pleasing to my eyes. Yes i like watching codjumper walkthroughs with nice visual editing + nice music in the background!


  9. Cloudy, it's not really a 'walkthrough' unless you have the FPS on the video, and other than that, nice video ^^ 

    If you'd actually watch the video for more than 10 seconds, you'd see that he put an fps label in his video.


  10. Make a new Model/World Phong material and just check the Texture Scroll checkbox at the bottom. The texture will scroll from top to bottom relative to the UV mapping of the model/brush.


    This only works on models it won't work if you select world phong. That means that you need to decompile and recompile the model if you want stock weapons with scrolling materials.


    You've asked a question that has been answered already by and me. Since this topic isn't about how to make scrolling textures, i'll kindly ask you to stop going offtopic.


  11. Make a new Model/World Phong material and just check the Texture Scroll checkbox at the bottom. The texture will scroll from top to bottom relative to the UV mapping of the model/brush.


    This only works on models it won't work if you select world phong. That means that you need to decompile and recompile the model if you want stock weapons with scrolling materials.


    Back onTopic please


  12. Here are a few more that i used to play, all those games were released 2006 and below. I also played them only on the ps2


    Racing Games:


    Need for Speed: Underground




    Midnight Club 2




    Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition




    Burnout 3: Takedown




    Sport Games:


    Nba Live 2002




    Pro Evolution Soccer 4




    Fifa 06







    Shooter Games:


    ( too lazy to get pics )


    Gta: San Andreas


    Driver: Parallel Lines


    Call of Duty: Finest Hour
