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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. Yey.. new update! Blame darmuh, he told me to work on it...


    - Worked on the lighting

    - More detail has been added

    - Most of the traps are done

    - Added a few eastereggs ( no, this map is not gonna have a cj "secret" )

    - Keeping the .ff's and .iwd file size as small as possible. Currently about 5.78mb. ( iwd + ff's )


    Here's a little todo list:


    Trap 1 [Done]
    Trap 2 []
    Trap 3 [Done]
    Trap 4 [Done]
    Trap 5 [Done]
    Trap 6 [Done]
    Trap 7 [Done]
    Trap 8 []
    Trap 9 [Done]
    Trap 10 [Done]
    Trap 11 [Done]
    Trap 12 [Done]
    Trap 13 []
    Trap 14 [Done] ( My favourite )
    Trap 15 [Done]
    Trap 16 [Done]
    Trap 17 [Done]
    Trap 18 []
    Trap 19 [Done]
    -Advanced Rank system [Done]
    -FX [Done]
    -Endrooms []


    Going to update this post every now and then.


  2. Released:

    mp_dr_tron. 2012
    mp_dr_destiny. 2013


    mp_dr_pool_v2. 2012, First ever map, I thought it'd be the easiest to start with a remake, since i liked the original pool back then.
    mp_deathrun_freefall. 2012 Second map, never released due bugs, and I just didn't like it in general.

    Unreleased Mods:

    Infected. 2013, Port from mw3, Base code is done, but I cba to finish it.

    WIP Maps:


    Here's a little comparison between my version of tribute and the older port of Tribute. ( First two pics = my version, and the third and fourth are the older remake. )

    My version:



    Older version:




  3. R9 270x should not be worth $250. That price is more expensive to what that card actually performs to

    Yeah... why would one even buy a 290x, a 280x etc... the ones without x are pretty much the same, there's only like 2 - 4 fps difference in games like battelfield, the only thing that's difference is that the ones with an X cost much more.


    amazon price difference:






  4. /* Update */


    Haven't really scripted that much yet, 4 traps are done currently.


    I'm planning to add atleast 2 or 3 unique endrooms.


    Here's a little video... don't complain about the quality, i just cba to upload a hd video with my shitty upload speed, oh and excuse the music, i was listening to my youtube playlist.




  5. Got bored a few days ago and decided I'd make a remake of Tribute from Counter Strike: Source ;P


    However, I need some ideas, does anyone have special wishes / suggestions? 


    The mapping part is to 80% done i guess. Didn't even start scripting it, just made a few functions that I'm gonna use later in the map.


    At the moment, it has 2 more traps than the ported cod4 version


    Some pics:










  6. So you guys use dem uber softwares just to see a deagle while designing its skin... fucking scientists I must say.


    I use that software to create new materials, to edit the model, so i can fit my materials on it, and to rename the model name itself or else it would fuck up the original deagle :p
