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Posts posted by Beatthat

  1. I used intel HD Graphics 4000 when my gpu fucked up, worked fine on cod4 honestly, I obviously had to play on lowest - medium settings, with 1024x768 res and I still got 100+ fps. Should've saved for a cheap gaming rig instead ^^. Unfortunately, you can't upgrade the Graphic chip in a laptop, unless it's some newer gaming laptop, some of them allow it. The only thing I know of what you can upgrade is your RAM. 


  2. 1. BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth 2014.


    2. Xtreme Xplosives In Ear Headphones in Green.


    3. New clothes ( Includes new shoes )


    4. The rest of my money goes for friends and family gifts


    Most of this is paid with my money, I'll probably still get a few other gifts from good friends and mom :dave: dunno what though.


  3. Title says it all, post your favourite plugins / extensions in this thread.


    Here are mine:




    1. Web of Trust Allows users to rate a site. It will look like this if you do a google search:


    Green = Trusted Website

    Yellow = Suspicious Website

    Red = Not Trusted Website

    White = Hasn't been rated by enough users yet



    2. Adblock Plus: Not much to say here.. blocks all ads.


    3. µMatrix: Blocks Javascript, ads etc.. on all websites unless you allow it. Kinda compilcated if you use it for the first time, so I'd suggest you to look for a tutorial. Looks like this: Also, for some reason it doesn't stop scripts on the main website, only on 3rd party sites, so I'd suggest you to manually add a rule in the settings called "script block".


    4. LoungeDestroyer: "Improves the experience of CS:GO Lounge and DOTA2 Lounge"




    Auto-bet/-return/-accept trade offers

    Automatically loads market prices for all items

    Redirect from wait.html to the page you intended to visit

    Steam market prices for items when you hover on an item

    Market listing and market search links added to item pop-up

    Remove stream and stream chat on match pages

    Automatic inventory loading

    Cached inventories for times when API is down

    Extension icon indicator displaying bot status

    Notifications for new comments on trades and offers

    Notifications for new matches

    Notifications for when the bots go online

    Notifications for when your returns are about to expire

    Trade descriptions

    Trade preview on all trades

    Statistics about your betting inventory







    1. NoScript: A simpler version of µMatrix, blocks Javascript from happening, unless you allow it. To manage sites, click on the S at the top left corner:


    2. Web of Trust: Already explained. 


    3. AdBlock Plus: Already explained. 


  4. Aaaand there goes another blurian, we're dropping like flies


    I mean cod4 gets boring for many people after a few years of playing it. Happened to alot of other admins and players, including me. I just play it like 1 or 2 hours a week at maximum, 1-2 years ago i had that amount easily in a day.


    Anyway, wish you the best of luck Synd, hope to see you sometimes on the forum.



    @@Beatthat as far as i know you don't need to record but that has alerted something, it would be appropriate of evidence of when you have started to develop a new map since some might use an old project whats still in development as apart of this.


    I was thinking of making pictures if you're getting further, and then making a video out of it. I honestly wouldn't like to record, since it would just waste alot of disk space.
