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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. I'm liking it! :) Perhaps something could be done here though: http://i.gyazo.com/98e976754d971e45d176d354bdf4f9d5.png Floooatttingg platformss :o
  2. Always having to confuse things aren't you Scillman ;)
  3. Why have you done precache()? Can't I do that in main() ?
  4. Hmm think I found it. Supposed to be a : instead of ; ... my bad. But I can see another error popping up so I will edit this thread if I do EDIT: Updated
  5. Hi

    Welcome to the forums ^_^
  6. inb4 gets too needy and bans people for being AFK + isn't there an anti afk plugin or was that removed?? Crushing their dreams just for this seems a little bit too much. What about hackers? Ban evaders? People who actually break a more serious rule, not do something which gets on your nerves? Not once when playing Deathrun in any server have I ever seen a reaction like "WOW who kicked him!!! Dumbledore? Is that you?!" No. It's obviously an admin with a changed name which can be done by clicking a few buttons on your mouse and typing a few letters to temporarily change the display name to trick their target. Player skill has nothing at all to do with being an admin. GG. What the fuck dude? You can actually fix any problem there is? Even with Google?! Dude, your skills are beyond me. +1 Maybe you should have spent more time typing thinking about this application thoroughly than typing out the questions. Did you really waste half of your application telling us a story on how you typed out the questions? This deserves admin straight away. I mean, going on someone elses thread to see the questions that needs answering, and switching tabs with manually type them out? Dude. You weren't lying about your dedication were you! Perhaps you could try dedicate some more time to more important things on an application and perhaps your in-game time. Conclusion: 10/10 needs to be admin...
  7. Wow, I am actually falling in love with the setup :wub: it's a shame I can't afford things like that :(
  8. Love it guys, keep up the good work! If you don't mind me asking, what software do you use to make music? Also how much did you spend on your equipment and what equipment do you use? This area really interests me.
  9. Happy birthday JWofles :) Thought I'd make a topic rather than a shitty status update ;) Was totally not Kratos' idea! Anyway, enjoy your day nub :D
  10. I used template for C4D to do motion tracking most of the time. I never created my own 3D stuff Bosnian.
  11. Been perm banned on Xbox for something I did 3 years ago, fucking hell.

  12. I am trying to go through this by myself bit by bit, but don't know what shift to use for caesar cipher :| EDIT: My bad xD Done it. What if "YIEUEREEESGE" or "lzhhealzhpmpdbnbecc" is another caesar cipher, but we need to somehow find the shift? EDIT: Meh I doubt it is. 12 December 1991 - First web sever outside of Europe.
  13. mate stop robbing my swag lines, they are mine
  14. I've made a list of all the things I need to do. I will probably think of more, but you can see why it's taking a long time. /* To-do: Fix roller trap Finish arena end room Fix a2 Script strikejump trap (Need FX) Script strikecrouch trap (Need FX) Script electrocution trap (Need FX) Script rotating rectangles Script last trap Delete the maze Make another endroom Script ActiRun activator door for 1v1 fight Fix secret teleporters Fix secret combination Create the secret Test the map with people for bugs / glitches Fix the bugs / glitches (If Found) Fix endroom HUD text (doesn't show) Remove the iPrintLnBolds when teleported Remove the trap activation combination idea - Can be easily bypassed Add music (maybe) Change map name Finish scripting the hard mode Fix drug endroom Especially fix the squashlasers (hard mode problem) Add death triggers to hazard borders and floors Make actiroom lighting better Make it so you can see acti in acti room and add some cool glass pattern Change the elevators in the start (Can cause issues for servers without non colliding players patch Add FX to first trap */ What I will do is put a strike-through for every task I complete and keep updating this post. The map looks very different from the first lot of screenshots now, and a lot more stuff has been added.
  15. You may not be a CM, but you are a friend!!!11
  16. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear JWofles... Happy birthday to you!!! Hip hip - Hurray! :D Happy birthday bro :D

  17. I don't, which is why I don't want to learn 3D stuff yet. My map is not far off either, only need to complete the secret, work and fix stuff in endrooms, script a few traps, test for bugs and glitches, so there's not loads that need doing :P I will just work on it when I do have time
  18. Yeah I know, but with me trying to complete this map, stuff IRL, College soon, I honestly don't feel like learning that at the moment, perhaps in the future :)
  19. Hence why I can't do the 3D part good?
  20. I was more of an editor than a 3D animator.
  21. I honestly don't know where I belong in this corrupt world anymore. Who the fuck actually thinks it's socially acceptable to produce this stupid shit of a comment?
  22. Haha, I don't ant like a themed intro like specifically cod4 etc, just one with text "Pixel" and maybe some cool effects haha
  23. I don't enjoy it, why would I do something I don't enjoy?
  24. Why does it matter what I do on YouTube :(
  25. I don't mind about having a really bad intro, as long as it's not bad to the point it's unbearable haha