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Everything posted by Satan

  2. So, I've been trying to make a CoDJumper movie, and I've been using some commands, and my Cod4 is totally fucked up. I'm asking help here, because i have no idea where else i could receive assistance. So, here are the problems, Number one, I have no cross-hairs, chat does not shot up, and when I save/load my position, that does not show up either. Now, there were a few commands that i thought have might been the issue, (cg_drawfriendlynames 0, cg_drawcrosshairnames 0, ui_hud_hardcore 1) But, i put these in, and put them in at there default setting, and still, nothing works. And I'm having these problems on all of my profiles, and I'm getting very pissed that I cant fix this. I also took both of my movie configs out of my main folder to see if that worked, but still nothing is working.... Please help me, thanks in advance! (What i put in console, i have no idea which of these commands are causing this problem) /bind MWHEELDOWN "ui_hud_hardcore 1; sm_enable 1; r_smc_enable 1; r_normalmap 1; r_distortion 1; cg_drawfriendlynames 0; cg_drawcrosshairnames 0; r_desaturation 0; r_fog 0; r_lodbiasrigid -1000; r_lodbiasskinned -1000; r_forcelod 0" /bind MWHEELUP "waypointoffscreenpointerheight 1.18; waypointoffscreenpointerwidth 1.8; r_fog 0; waypointiconheight 1.18; waypointiconheight 1.18; waypointiconwidth 1.19; waypointdebugdraw 0; set_readyup_over 1"
  3. Alright, thanks man.