
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Mastery editor
  2. They have been down for a month-ish for me, I'm not sure when they'll be back but soon hopefully!
  3. Kill all jumpers but one, kill last jumper with a trap, bam, all alive jumper(s) killed with a single trap:troll:
  4. I'm not a fan of helping people who have an illegal version of the game.
  5. Properly buy the game. Then we'll help you. Locked.
  6. Feel so bad for Deadecho, if you organised to come to the UK and now nothing's happening :/
  7. Saw jericho playing deathrun on blur, wanted to try it, met awesome people (ansity if you read this I love you). Got addicted and haven't stopped playing since
  8. is it bad that when you said 'invalid argument' I instantly thought of a programming argument (._. )
  9. If you have AW leave your steam username below! C:

    1. Lossy
    2. just_indian



      (don't have AW just love you)

    3. jwofles


      b-b-but I love you mr. indian :c

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  10. pfff chemistry < maths
  11. What's this an equation expression for?
  12. Seven times the sum to infinity is the same as the sum of the first three terms in a geometric sequence, the common ratio is modulus to one, find the common ratio. ^^In my maths test I had today (the question was worded differently but the same effect) ANSWER: Edit, trying to re-do it now :dumb: Can't remember how I did it in the exam ...oops
  13. Oh Bumba... :wub:
  14. Is AW worth it?

    1. DeadEcho


      Titanfall is much more awesome game than aw will ever be ^^

    2. ~Budzy~


      I disagree with that statement, not because 'I'm a cod fanboy' Titanfall was just boring, clunky, and I hated it, but that's imo

    3. Lossy


      i can't say which is better because i played titanfall on the console D: but cod:aw movement feel so smooth and the animations feel perfect ;_;

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  15. Oh I see, fair enough then Aplogies bosnian, shouldve read it more carefully
  16. Your map = your fault
  17. Not really, unless anyone else knows where the trigger for it is (which I doubt anyone does). He used 'player iPrintLnBold', hence only printing it to one person, not the whole lobby. Once again, :facepalm:
  18. Master of all
  19. Yeah good job pc, I need to start reading other map's scripts for shit like this
  20. The title says it all, hope you have a good day!
  21. 8bit
  22. I made this for Cloudy but thought I may as well give it out to everyone; here's a tut on how to make a quick igloo, using basic patching. It's by no means the best igloo but it works.
  23. Going to be away from tommorow morning until Friday, may get wifi though. For those wondering, I'm going to Iceland!

    1. Tinman


      Just you and your (precious) OnePlus eh? Some alone time... to "bond" and maybe "connect" :troll:

    2. Pixel


      That would be legit if he had it Tinny ;) Have fun Sentrex!

    3. Dolph1n


      bye have a good teim