
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Inbetweeners at it's finest :dumb:
  2. The account you tweeted had a QR code as their display picture, I tried scanning it and it went to here, if you highlight the page there's the same code as before but the URL is different :( #confused
  3. I may be wrong, the animal kingdom that they're in is called Animalia. Pretty sure there's no specific name for a male dog. Bear in mind this is based on my biology class last year so I might be remembering incorrectly, cba to research.
  4. I believe the message is "Good luck on your voyage" c:
  5. If I still have it :dumb: ^6<3
  6. Please don't bump topics that are over a month old without a good cause!
  7. He's not lying, but in this case it's probably an 11y/o boy :dave:
  8. Raid and FNRP are very different, please don't assume you're able to give out threats to people. You have no idea whether an admin will in fact warn him. So please, leave it to someone who knows what they're talking about.
  9. Excuse Me Bosnian. But who are you to say this? Not meaning to sound rude but you have no power or authority to give out a threat like this. Please leave it to actual staff next time.
  10. Yeah I lold, thanks for the laugh. Next time make sure it's not on the first page of Google :dumb:
  11. Happy syndday
  12. Try running it as an administrator. >right click > run as administrator
  13. You've upset Lossy SO much that he forgot how to grammar
  14. Might be because you need an activator for them to work? Not sure, just a guess :p
  15. Lol.
  16. It shouldn't have glitches in the first place? I appreciate that it's your first map that you scripted yourself so the traps aren't going to be amazing, but it seems like you rushed it. NEVER good to rush a map to release, you'll miss out on the little things that make the map a lot lot better. Small details really count. With another month or two of finishing things up and making it better and I would say this would be a semi-decent map, however unfortunately as it is I must say it's pretty mediocre. Would give a 4/10 for the actual map, but a 2/10 for effort. EDIT: Name is far better!
  17. Should be the other way round imo... old and maybe sniper/knife :/
  18. sniper_endroom() { level.sniper_trig = getEnt( "sniper_endgame_trig", "targetname"); jump = getEnt( "sniper_jump_origin", "targetname" ); acti = getEnt( "sniper_acti_origin", "targetname" ); while(1) { level.sniper_trig waittill( "trigger", player ); level.oldTrig delete(); level.bounceTrig delete(); level.knife_trig delete(); level.weapon_trig delete(); if( !isDefined( level.sniper_trig ) ) player setOrigin( jump.origin ); // Teleport jumper player TakeAllWeapons(); // Takes all jumper weapons player GiveWeapon( "rpg_mp" ); //jumper weapon player giveMaxAmmo( "rpg_mp" ); if isDefined( level.activ ) && isAlive( level.activ ) { level.activ setOrigin( acti.origin ); //Teleports acti level.activ TakeAllWeapons(); // Take all acti weps level.activ GiveWeapon( "rpg_mp" ); // Give acti a tomahawk level.activ giveMaxAmmo( "rpg_mp" ); wait 0.05; player.maxhealth = 100; // Player health level.activ.maxhealth = 100; // Acti health player switchToWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); //player weapon level.activ SwitchToWeapon( "tomahawk_mp" ); // Activator weapon } iPrintLnBold( " ^4" + + " ^7has chosen ^4SNIPER ^7room!" ); //change to what you want it to be while( isAlive( player ) && isDefined( player ) ) wait 1; return; } Cba to fix your awful formatting
  19. Activator isn't defined or alive in freerun, so you're trying to do things to a non existent activator.. if( isDefined( level.activ ) && isAlive( level.activ ) ) { stuff here }
  20. Firstly learn to use a normal font size. Secondly you need to create a ticket for this, Locked
  21. Is anything from the script working at all?