
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Thank you very much for the reply and effort put into it! I'm currently on my mobile and will look further into these two when I'm back on my pc, but from a couple of quick Google searches here's what I've found: Both the Lenovo and the Dell seem like great laptops which could both handle what I wish to do, however both come out at around £1000. If you think it really is necessary to spend this amount of money I could increase the budget but it feels like I would be overspending a lot. With that said, out of those two I think I'd prefer the lenovo. The Dell seems to be a it chunkier which could become a problem. Once again, thanks a bunch for the help!
  2. the terrain is almost as bad as stronghold's... and that's saying something
  3. inb4 downvotes cause mac :dave:
  4. Lol. your map laboratory
  5. :ohyeah:
  6. How many times do you want Anti to repeat himself?
  7. Hahahaha, I don't think I've ever seen Wing's scripts.
  8. Completely reformatted his script and fixed about 4 errors yesterday
  9. Very sad to see you go! Keep in touch yeah, best of luck with whatever you go on to do :)
  10. Hey hey hey!
  11. WOT U TRYNA SAY, U FINK TILAK NEEDZ ROIDS?! M8 DATS HARSH. Tilak is beautiful the way he is ty v much
  12. Will be a pretty nice map once you sort out the lighting
  13. Loop it to unbind every 0.1 seconds so even if the player re-binds then it automatically unbinds again? Just a thought
  14. Doubt it's possible, but admins should be able to temporarily disable a player's chat
  15. I'm impressed by the paint skills, genuinely am.
  16. The !apply b3 cmd should just direct them to BraXi's xfire :dave:
  17. Only one thing I can say to this...
  18. I think he editted it after seeing Bear's post
  19. called it
  20. I can't help thinking it was related to his GFX thread being made fun of, especially now he's only left Raid, not deathrun
  21. BraXi to the rescue! :ohyeah:
  22. have 3 and they block the pathway, so you have to jump over one to get past. Then make it random which one gets activates, looped ofc
  23. I think you should have icicles but texture them with the yellow and back hazard texture because that's never been done before